-chapter 19-

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" Isla have you seen my mascara?" I yelled out from the bathroom, I had been looking for it forever and I had no idea where it was.

" no, try a spell." she called back, I had no idea why I didn't think of that beforehand.

" Accio, Mascara." I uttered, as I twisted strands of my hair so they fell around my face.

It flew out of the drawer behind me and landed in front of the mirror.

" Have you seen my shoes?" She asked, frantically running round looking for them.

" yeah they are by the door."

" How are we all."  the blonde asked as he poked his head around the door. I knew he was just trying to get a glimpse of my dress as I hadn't showed him yet and  we all knew he didn't have any patience.

" zip me up." I insisted, turning my back to  him. He walked over and I felt his cold hand in the middle of my back, gradually moving up as the dress became tighter.
" thank you, now out."

" fine, I will meet you in the great hall." he groaned, placing a quick kiss in the crook of my neck before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

" how are the boys not even dressed yet." Isla scoffed as she wriggled into her dress and tried to zip up the back.

" because they don't make as much effort" I laughed, zipping up the back of her dress and  pushing a hair grip back into her hair. She turned around to face me and shook her head laughing.

" men."

"shall we my lady." I joked, bowing down and stretching out my hand.

she took my hand and curtsied, letting out a little giggled."my pleasure."

We made our way down to the great hall together, amongst another group of slither.io girls, and I had to admit they all looked beautiful.

I could hear music coming from the hall and I could see people linking arms with one another and walking in. Then I saw him. he was fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt not paying much attention to the world around him. He was dressed in a white shirt and waist coat with a white tie and black trousers. He also had a black robe resting over his shoulder.

He glanced up and a single strand of hair fell over his face.

He turned to face me completely, titling his head a giving a small smirk before walking to the bottom of the steps.

I gave Isla a nudge and gestured towards the blonde at the bottom of the steps, she looked over to me and widened her eyes. 

" merlin."

" I know."

i began to walk down the stairs slowly, as I  approached the boy he put his hand out to take mine.

" this was defiantly worth the wait." he laughed softly, looking me up and down.

" You don't look to bad yourself"

I took his hand and he walked me into the hall with his head held high. We stood in a crowd of people and were soon enough joined by Blaise and Isla.

" you don't look horrible Blaise." I joked, giving him a nudge as he appeared by my side.

" not to bad yourself Prewett."

We stood watching as the champions walked in with the dates.

" Merlin, is that Hermione granger." Isla whispered.

I glanced up to see the girl, she was in a floor length pink dress and her hair was tied up neatly held in place with small gems.

" she looks gorgeous."

Draco gave me a little shove and turned to look at me with his eyebrows raised. " don't go turning gay on me now." he huffed in amusement.

" one word. Potter."  I replied with a smirk. if he was going to play this game I knew I could play it back pretty well. " I cant even list the amount of times you two have an eye fucking moment."

he glared at me with narrow eyes before  shaking his head and laughing. " thats because you dont do it with me."

I let out a sarcastic sigh and turned my attention back to the champions, my eyes quickly met Cedric's and he gave me a gentle smile before taking a girl's hand and whisking her away to the dance floor. I watched as the rest of the champions began to dance with their partners.
Harry was doing awfully, you could tell he had no idea what he was doing, i tried so hard to hold in my laughter. Fleur looked magical, Krum, I had to admit didn't look awful and he wasn't a bad dancer and neither was Ced .

Soon other people began to join in twirling each other around. Without warning, Draco dragged me on to the dance floor and took my waist, lifting me in the air and spinning me around in sync with everyone else.

I felt a huge smile form on my face as he guided me around the dance floor, this was the first time Malfoy had been getting involved with everyone, not trying to make himself stand out and not being cocky. He was enjoying himself and that made me happy, I just wish other people could see him like this more often.


Nearing the end of the night the music turned into something more upbeat and everyone began jumping up and down and singing along loudly.

" I'm going to grab a drink do you want one," I asked, making my way out of the crowd of people.

" I have another idea."

He took my hand and led me out the hall, not giving even the little thing of where we were going. We walked down past the common rooms, past the courtyard and up to the astronomy tower, the music from the great hall, echoing around.

" what's this about."

He took my waist and pulled my in close, " because you deserve the best."

He began to sway gently and I rested my chin on his shoulder.

" I love you y/n."

" I love you Draco."

A/n - sorry for the short chapters year 4 really isn't too exciting :/ I am sorry. But year 5+ will better !!

A/N/N - in honour of 200 reads thank you all so much <3

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