- chapter 34-

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Weeks had gone by and Malfoy and I had hardly exchanged two words. Nothing was wrong, he just kept disappearing into thin air, never showing up for meals and hardly any classes. I was worried sick, despite the fact he managed to tell me he was ok, but something still wasn't sitting right.

I had snuck the book about vanishing cabinets out his top drawer and did some more research, however the risk wasn't really worth it. I found out nothing new that could help me.

Saturday mornings were always the worst, Blaise always had extra quidditch practice, Malfoy had 'extra lessons,' and Pansy would refuse to get up, so normally I would wander corridors by myself. Which is exactly what I was doing.

It was pretty quiet today, there were late quidditch tryouts, and it was snowing, so most students were hid away in the library or common room, or out playing in it.

I slid round the corner, my book stashed under my arm. I wasn't expecting conversation, and defiantly wasn't in the mood for one, my plan was to go and read somewhere quiet.


The boy stopped dead in his tracks, dressed all in black, his expression cold, hair slicked back, the only way I saw him now.

" Prewett," he nodded back, straightening up the collar of his jacket like I use to do for him.

" do you want do something together? I just got this book?"

" I have things to do."

" of course you do," I sighed, shaking my head at my own stupidity.

" what do you mean?" He snapped, taking a large, slow step towards me, and suddenly becoming the slightest bit intimidating.

" I mean, I was stupid to assume, you wanted to spend time with me."

" your right. You are stupid. Naïve. Hard work. Needy. Shall I continue?"

" no no. I think you hit the nail on the head," I laughed sarcastically, chewing the inside of my cheek just to hold in my words of anger.

" you actually just get in my way.

" please let me stand aside. Let me remove myself from your life completely, finish the job for you."

" at least you go the hint," he hissed as he walked past me, bumping my shoulder intentionally.

And just like that, Pansy's words came true. The 'perfect couple,' weren't so perfect after all. I stood in the middle of the corridor blinking back my tears of disbelief as he shot off down the corridor.

Unconsciously, I dropped the book from under my arm, but didn't hear it hit the floor. I looked down, my eyes clouded with tears, and I could just make out Blaise's hand, clutching onto the book. His hands then wrapped around my shoulders and he spun me round to face him, pulling me into a hug.

" woah woah, y/n what's wrong."

His quidditch uniform was damp and cold from the rain. I could hear his heart racing, like he had just ran miles, his hands gloved, the rain drops on them soaking through my jumper.

" Draco. Again."

" tell you what, let me go and get changed, and we'll
Go to Hogsmeade?"

I tore away from him and nodded, using the backs off my sleeves to wipe up my tears. He gave me a gentle smile before sprinting off down the corridor, pulling his gloves off as he went.

I loitered in the courtyard, chewing on my thumb nails whilst I waited for him. I felt like everyone was watching me, everyone knew about the 'not so perfect couple.'

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