-chapter 29-

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" I'm glad you changed your mind Miss. Prewett," the witch giggles as she pinned the purple ribbon to my robe.

" oh so am I!" I smiled sarcastically, before I even realised I was being sarcastic.

" was that sarcasm?"

" are you an evil bi-" I slapped my hand my mouth, and instantly knew. Draco had spiked my drink this morning with truth serum again.

" please finish."

" your an evil bitch."  the words just slipped out my mouth, I had no control over it. 

I watched as her face dropped and she pulled out her wand pointing it directly at me. I reached for the door and flung it open, just as a green spark shot past me, which I managed to dodge just in time.

I ran down the stairs, checking over my shoulder to see where bouts she was. It turned out I had really pissed her off this time, she was chasing after me. I pushed past Draco, who was stood at the bottom of the stairs and reached for my own wand.

" y/n? What the hell are you-"

Another spell came flying my way and I shut him a quick smile before deflecting it back towards her but instead hitting the wall and burning a hole.

" I dodged a blast. And now I am going to apologise for collateral damage."

" why is my girlfriend like this," he muttered to himself, shaking his head as I continued running down the corridor, dodging all the students, still checking over my shoulder.

" shit." I swerved around a corner, avoiding a first year and thought I had a clear run but instead I ran straight in Snape.

" miss Prewett? What are you-"

" SNAPE! STOP HER!" the witch shrieked as she came scurrying around the corner, her hair messy and her face bright red with anger.

" crap."

His hands wrapped around the tops of my arms, and he held my still, facing the pink bitch. "What did she do?"

" I called her an evil bitch." I couldn't control my mouth, I was seriously going to murder Draco.

His grip around my arms loosened, and he nodded at her. " I will take care of it."

The women have a sharp nod and turned on her heels stomping back down the corridor. As soon as she was out of sight, Snape let me go and brushed his hands off on his cloak.

" out of my sight before I have to get you into trouble."

" thanks professor," I grinned, shoving my wand back in my pocket and practically skipping down the hall.

I walked back into the common, desperate to find draco and avoid my urge to kill him. Of course like always he was stood by the fire, looking pretty, surrounded by people. A smirk found its way onto my face and I stormed over, shoving my way through his crowd and pushing him up against the wall, holding him in place with my arm across his chest.
A low chuckle circled the common room as I brought myself closer to his face.

" Draco Lucius Malfoy so help me, your lucky I can't hurt you right now."

" then what are you going to do?"

" maybe I will spike your drink with truth potion next time. Or poison."

—————————— Draco's POV——————————

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