-chapter 5-

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The next morning i woke up to Isla and I cuddled together in her sleeping bag, completely forgetting that's where i had ended up last night. She was still asleep and so was everybody else so i was getting extremely bored and decided to wake her up by blowing on her face.

" Piss off its a Saturday morning," she grumbled rolling over so i could no longer torment her. I turned onto my back to stare up at the enchanted ceiling to study the stars, smiling to myself as i spotted the constellations that had been pointed out on top of the Astronomy tower last night. I used my fingers to join stars together as i remembered everything that had happened between Malfoy and I, it was the only thing i could keep hold of before we started arguing in front of everyone again.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me and tilted my head back to see who was coming but i couldn't see anybody. A second later somebody tapped my shoulder gently and leant down into my ear, " Come with me." I glanced over to see the messy platinum blonde hair and sparkling grey eyes centimetres away from me, i shuffled out of the sleeping bag and gestured for him to lead the way to wherever he wanted us to go. I chose not to ask any question, i liked the adrenalin and mystery caused by spontaneous adventures and i quite frankly couldn't be bothered to ask him.

I followed him out the great hall and down a little side corridor, stopping in front of a storage cupboard that looked as if it hadn't been touched in centuries. I leant my back against the cold stone wall, crossing my robes across my front to keep me warm because it was bloody freezing down here.

Malfoy looked me up and down then his eyes wandered around us and he pulled off his jumper and held it out towards me, " Put this on for merlin sake, your such a child." he groaned. I instantly took the jumper off him and pulled it on then wrapped my robes back over my front, feeling a lot warmer already but still nothing compared to the sleeping bag.

" What made you so inclined to drag me out," I asked, a hint of annoyance lacing my voice.

" Meet me in the common room, 11 pm tonight," he replied sternly, not leaving any room for negotiation. I mean i wasn't going to say no, he was just being a bit cryptic but either way, i gave him a quick nod and went to turn around to walk away, but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him, planting a quick kiss on my lips then letting me go and disappearing around the corner.

I stood frozen to the spot, not too sure what had just happened and whether or not to love it or hate, then a tingling sensation filled my body as i caught a proper grasp of the situation. I turned on my heels and practically skipped back into the hall, all of a sudden feeling very awake and aware, I found my place back in Isla's sleeping bag but this time she was half awake and noticed me come back.

" Where did you go," she whispered.

" Places." I grinned, giving her a small wink. She was my best friend if i didn't tell her she would catch on pretty quickly anyway.

" Malfoy? Again?" she said in a tone of disgust and amusement.

" HEY! Homework, keep your mouth shut." i snickered, pointing towards the purple bruise on her neck that i had only just noticed. We both led there giggling as quietly as we could trying not to wake anyone else up.

A few minutes passed and our giggles had died down and i decided to shuffle out the sleeping bag, the hard stone floor wasn't becoming anymore comfortable and i just wanted to go back to my dorm and clean up. I crept over everybody once more, Isla following closely behind me and we ran off back to the common room.

The hallways were completely silent, the only thing that could be heard were our footsteps echoing through the halls and the faint chattering of the teachers. I chased her into the dorm and fought over who could get the shower first and of course, i won, all i had to do was splash her with freezing cold water then lock the bathroom door.

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