- chapter 39-

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Deliah Snape, Age 15, 1976
My first kiss! Tom Marvolo riddle, the boy who doesn't care for anyone. His exact words.
' Deliah Snape, you are the only person in this world I care about. You are mine now.' I couldn't stop smiling, I'm still smiling now. He's perfect, he takes me along, let's me in on what he's doing. We're currently researching a type of dark magic.
Horcruxes- the art of Defiling objects with dark magic and embedding their soul into them to live forever. It's really Interesting , figuring out what's best. I know I shouldn't be interested but I can't help it, he makes it interesting, makes it seem like it's the right thing to learn about. I haven't told Lily James Remus or Sirius, however Peter seems very interested in my every move since I've been spending time with Tom.

For the next few weeks, Draco and I hardly left him bed. I was too scared to pick up my wand again but knew I would have to at some point whether it was for good or bad, but the bonus now was that Draco was old enough to use magic outside Hogwarts, so anything that required magic he was there to deal with it.

The only person who came up to see us was Narcissa, she was bringing us food and drink. She really seemed to understand what we were feeling, which helped. I had lost track of time completely since we had left school earlier, I wasn't sure if we were in summer break or what, but it didn't really matter anymore if I wasn't ever going back to Hogwarts. Even if I had the choice.

"Hey Draco, isn't your dad home today?" I asked. the thought had just suddenly crossed my mind. We hadn't see Lucius in over a year as he had been locked up in Azkaban.

" I think so, whys that darling," he replied, tilting his head slightly.

" Don't you think we should leave your room once this month, so we can welcome your dad back?" I laughed.

He let out a loud sigh and leant his head on mine.
"I suppose so."

I wriggled myself out the covers and walked over to the wardrobe, pulling out a long sleeve white top and a plain black dress.

" Im going to go make myself look more human then."

I walked down to the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I couldn't lock it because I didn't have my wand. I stood leaning against the counter, looking in the mirror, I looked pale and pretty much dead, my eyes still looked weak but vicious, just reminding me of death.

The steam of the shower fogged over the mirror and began to sting my cheeks, I blinked a couple of time to adjust to the heat then slipped off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I closed my eyes and leant my head back just letting the water run down my face, in some hope it would add some more colour back in my cheeks. I felt a hand grab my waist and I snapped my eyes open.

" Fuck me Draco, you scared the crap out of me."

" That was the aim." he sniggered, spinning me around so my back was too him. " let me get the back of your hair for you."

I handed him the bottle of shampoo and he ran his fingers through my hair gently, I felt the bubbles form and then disappear again when he rinsed them out. All of a sudden, a cold shiver got sent down my spine when he pinned me agaisnt the tile wall. His hand slid up around my neck, peppering around it with small kisses. " think your neck needs a wash."

I had forgotten how good this sensation was, he always started so gentle. "Yeah, I think it does."

The warm water mixed with his soft touch was a feeling like no other. His hand moved from my neck to around my face, dragging his thumb down my bottom lip, leaving it the perfect distance apart for him to kiss me without another word.

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