- chapter 17-

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" why so tense potter." Malfoy cried out after Harry.

we were currently sat up in a tree, watching everyone hand out badges that read 'potter stinks.'

Harry turned around and began to storm towards us.

" my father and I have a bet you see"

Now Draco decided he was going to jump out the tree, probably for no other reason than to make a dramatic entrance to confront Harry.

He stuck his hands in his pockets and walked towards the boy, other Slytherins surrounded Malfoy like his little minions, I just stayed in the tree watc hing, I didn't really have any other choice, I was sort of stuck.

"I don't think you're going to last 10 minutes in this tournament." the blonde continued, "he disagrees, he thinks you won't last five." he looked around at the Slytherins behind him trying to promote a reaction, before looking up to me in the tree " how about you y/n?"

I looked over at Harry who had a very mixed expression. " cant be to sure." I replied trying to keep both of them satisfied. I think attempting to kill harry was enough I wasn't going to bully him as well. Isla appeared on the ground next to me and looked up with her brows furrowed.

" I'm stuck," I whispered down to her, she just laughed and shook her head.

" How did you even get up there ?" she giggled.

" Malfoy." I nodded towards him and potter who appeared to be having some sort of eye-fucking moment. " I swear my boyfriend is gay for potter at times," I said, giving my legs one hard swing and tumbling out the tree. my best friend began to laugh even harder. I quickly stood up and brushed off my robes, before pushing my way through the little minions behind Draco.

"I don't give a dam what your father thinks Malfoy, he is vile and cruel and your just pathetic" harry spat back at the blonde.

" how about you two stop flirting," I said, stepping in between the both of them.

The blonde began to scramble for his wand, but a spell flew past me and Harry and hitting Draco straight in the chest, immediately turning him into a ferret. I wasn't quite sure how to react, part of me wanted to laugh but the other half wanted to cry. I scanned around trying to see who threw the spell. Behind Harry was ' Mad-eye' who had his wand pointed right in this direction. he began to shake it up and down sending the ferret or Malfoy, flying everywhere.

" Isla your brother has turned my boyfriend into a ferret," I whispered back to her. S he gave me a shrug and a smile and I pulled out my wand and pointed at the man.

" Miss Prewett, put away your wand this instant, I do not expect you to be threatening, Oh MY God, is that student." A voice cried. A few seconds later McGonagall appeared next to me. "Professor Moody is that a student."

" Technically it's a ferret," he responded, lifting his eyebrows slightly, and resuming to bounce the ferret up and down.

" Professor, It's Malfoy," I added, tilting my head and watching as the ferret fell down Crabbe's trousers. Cedric appeared next to me and bent down to my height.

" Some boyfriend you have there," he chuckled. I gave him a hit across the chest and shook my head laughing.

" he gets too cocky for his own good sometimes," I added before looking over to Mcgonagall who was stood there in complete shock at the situation.

She gave her wand and quick flick, leaving Malfoy sprawled out on the floor, looking a bit of a mess. He jumped up from the floor " my father will hear about this." he shrieked, backing off from the crowd of people and running behind the tree.

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