-chapter 16-

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I woke up to a cold breeze blow across my face, I blinked a few times adjusting to the world around me. I looked straight up to see the blonde staring down at me, " for once I'm awake before you." he whispered, I could tell from his voice that he had only woke up a few minutes before.

" so you have, " I replied, twitching the corner of my lips up slightly.  " we don't have a lesson till last period today do we ?"

He shook his head and furrowed his brows, "why?"  he brushed hair out my face whilst waiting for my response.

" These two have lessons second period, so I was thinking, we could do the studying we need to, then maybe go for a walk or something, then head down to the cup and see who puts there names in?" I suggested

" sounds perfect." the blonde smiled, rubbing his thumb up and down my cheek. " maybe we just ditch last period too."

I shook my head and laughed.

" maybe we could. skip it and read a book instead?"

" as long as you don't fall asleep on me, I want at least one night in my own bed." he joked, giving me a small smirk.

In this moment I really wish I had the courage to tell him about everything, but I just didn't.  I was too scared I would lose him.

" I hate you."

" I know you do."

" I suppose we should wake them up, they have lessons in half an hour," I suggested, nodding towards the couple, who were still wrapped up in a blanket.

He gave me a small nod and I pushed my self off the boys lap and shuffled over to Isla giving her a gentle shake.

" hey, you have lessons in half an hour and we need to disappear before the class gets here." I whispered.

" Okay okay, give me a sec" she grumbled rubbing her eyes and giving Blaise a shove.

he immediately opened his eyes and pushed himself off the floor, as if he was already awake. he turned to help her off the floor and grabbed a handful of blankets.

" I will take care of those." I insisted, taking the blankets off Blaise ad smiling. "you two go get some food and have a good lesson."

" thank you, we will see you later." They both replied, turning and running down the stairs.

I span back round to face the blonde, he still appeared to be half asleep. I grabbed the rest of the blankets off the floor and gave Malfoy a quick kick in the side of the leg. " get up, we need to go, come on."

He pushed himself up off the floor with a loud sigh and we walked back down to the common room.

I just threw all the blankets on my bed and decided it would be a good idea to get changed since I had fallen asleep in my uniform again.  I just pulled on a pair of legging and a t-shirt before making my way over to the boys dorm room.

I pushed the door open and Draco was just led in the middle of his bed, staring at the ceiling. I just waved him off and walked over to his set of drawers and pulled out one of his black jumpers and put it on.

" haven't you got your own clothes to wear?"

" Nope, are we going to get some studying done ?"

" Yeah we probably should, I don't want to be falling behind granger again." he huffed, getting up and walking over to a pile of paper next to me.

We trudged out the dorm room and over to the table, he slammed his stack of paper down and threw himself into the chair. "Snape sets so much bloody homework," he muttered to himself as he flicked threw his pile of paper.

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