-chapter 28-

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I was sat in the courtyard by the fountain, my legs crossed over Harry's as I lead back, studying each individual tea leaf pattern. Harry was busy, fiddling with my shoes laces, claiming they were 'all tied up wrong.'

" y/n, Christmas is coming , what are you going to do?"

" I don't know."

I shook the thought out my head determine not to let it distract me from studying. We were silent for another couple of minutes before Harry decided to open his mouth again.

" Spend it with me, and Hermione and Ron, Isla will be there with Ginny."

I put down my book, surprised by his statement and surprised my best friend hadn't told me such big news. " oh will she?"

" yes, please come?"

" ok. Fine."

I had little to loose at this point. I had t spoken to Draco since our argument, there wasn't even any angry or secret meet ups this time, that's the only reason I knew shit had properly hit the fan.

" well I'll see you later, I have some things I need to do with Hermione."

" you keep disappearing everything ok?"

" yeah it's fine. I promise." He leant down, planting a small kiss on my forehead before entering the castle.

I shook it off, although I probably shouldn't, not because I cared where he was, but because of my so called 'job,' and continued to study. I was determined to get the best grades possible, in hope I could please my father with more then just dark magic.

Isla and Ginny came up the path, fingers intertwined, too engrossed in the company of each other to notice my existence. I swung my legs over the bench, and walked over to , hoping either of them would be heading a place I wouldn't mind going to.

" hey y/n!"

" Prewett Malfoy potter the first," Isla giggled.

I rolled my eyes, hitting across the arm with the book in my hand. "You know how hate you right."

" mhm I hate you too,"  she laughed as Ginny pulled her away into the castle, the exact same way Harry had gone.

I debated following them, but decided to just stay put, whatever they were doing couldn't be of any great importance.

I sat back down by the fountain, pulling out my book again, when I was interrupted by Crabbe and Goyle storming towards me.  I slammed my book down with a sigh and looked over to them, not making the effort to confront them, because quite frankly I saw no point.

" y/n, finished being a slut?"

" or has that pathetic excuse of an ass got you nowhere?"

My whole body tensed as an evil grin snaked across their chubby faces.

" Dumb and Dumber, call her a slut again and you will be sorry," his voice hissed.

I glanced away from the duo and my eyes met his.  I could tell he was angry at me, but he wasn't acting upon it.  He took a step closer to the pair, hardening is stare until they turned to me, nodding heads in apology and scurrying off.

" he wasn't wrong," Malfoy snapped, before following after the duo, with long sharp strides.

I sat there, the tears burning my eyes as I tried to
hold them in. I twiddled my thumbs for a few seconds, then swiped my books up and followed the same path, Harry,Isla and Ginny had, hoping it would take me to them.

I followed the long corridor and instead it just brought me too a wall. No door, just a wall.  I span on my heels, starting for the Gryffindor common room instead, when I spotted flinch perched with a chair, and a box of chocolates. I shook my head and walked past him, giving him a second glance as I went back down the corridor. That man was something else...

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