-chapter 12-

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- summer -

The wind hit my face as we walked up the dimly lit path towards the front door. Narcissa pushed it open, letting Draco and I in first then she followed closely after. 

" get yourselves settled in then come down for dinner," she smiled, kissing the boy on the top of the head and brushing a piece of hair behind my ear then walking away into one of the dark corridors.

" sometimes I think she loves you more then me," he joked,  grasping my bag handle and starting for the stairs.

I followed closely behind him and he dropped my bag down outside my door with a sigh.

" merlin forbid we could sleep in the same room," he groaned, unlocking the door and pushing it open with another sigh.

" your mothers rules, not mine."

I walked into my room, taking a deep breath as the familiar smells filled my nose. The crisp clean bed sheets and freshly dusted surfaces looked perfect as always, and a few new photos had been added to the collection, seemingly all from Christmas.

I instantly threw myself down in the bed, almost having forgotten how comfortable it actually was. 

" what my mother doesn't know won't hurt her,"  he said, making his way over to the bed and leaning against the post  with a smirk.

" very true."

As the words left my mouth the door was already slammed shut and I found myself up against the backboard of the bed, his hand slowly sliding down around my waist and his face came closer.

" and she won't ever find out," he whispered before his lips crashed into mine. 

Each second the kiss seemed to get deeper and his hand began to roam up and down.  I brought my hand up to the sides of his neck holding it gently to keep him close. No matter how many times he kissed me the butterflies would always show.

Just as his hands began to slide to my neck there was a faint knock on the door, a second later it opened, both of us unaware of Narcissa stood watching.

" Draco, my dear, you have your own bed, no need to be in y/n's" she said sweetly, oblivious to the fact our lips were previously connected.

" mother I-"

" I just came to get you for dinner," she continued, smiling at the pair of us before disappearing  back off down the corridor.

" and that is why, we don't share," I laughed, pulling myself off the bed and neatening myself back up.

" Boring."

He crept up behind me, placing a small kiss on the side of my neck then dragging me off down to the dining room where we joined Narcissa and Lucius for the rest of the evening.  Apparently, we weren't allowed to escape their company as we had to spend quality time together.

I didn't really get it either.

a few hours passed and it was now getting late, I still hadn't seen any sign of my father, just like at Christmas but I'm sure if he wanted me he would find me.

Draco had his head on my lap reading a book, Narcissa was sat in an armchair by the fire, embroidering something onto apart of black leather gloves and Lucius was sat watching us all with a judgemental expression and a glass of fire whiskey.

After a while, both Narcissa and Draco made there way to bed, leaving Lucius and I string at the fire in silence.

" I have never seen him soft,"  he said with a hint of disgust, breaking the eery silence between us.

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