-chapter 30-

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The hall was deadly silent, rows of chairs and tables had been set out. Isla and I had been sat at the front with a few of the other ' misbehaving' children. The only thing you could hear was the ticking of the clock that had been put up just for the exam.

I was half way into my paper, continuously tapping my quill on the desk, stumped  by one of the defence against the darks arts question. That's where one of my main problems lied, I knew the spell, but I didn't know the counter-spell. So all in all, my words were probably just a big pile of jumbled up letters.

A faint knocking, started coming from the back of the room. At first I thought it was just me who could hear it, but soon other students began to look towards the doors of the hall. Then I knew. Fred and George.

Umbridge shook her little head, the stomped down to the doors. The whole hall watched as she opens them, but nothing was there.

" what is going on??" Isla whispered.

" just wait, I have a feeling the twins have something to do with this."

" what are they going to do, blow up the exam room?"

Just as the words left her mouth, a small orange sparkle came flying into the room, then bursting just above our heads. A few seconds later the twins came zooming into the room on brooms, throwing their newest invention, the Weasley wildfire whiz-bangs.

The whole room turned into exploding colours. Little sizzling balls, began to chase round the inquisitorial squad. It started off burning the tip of Goyle's nose, but he batted it away pretty quickly, then it moved to Pansy who just ran away crying, and finally it back Draco up into a wall.

He looked over to me, his eyes fear filled, but I just stood laughing, I knew it wouldn't hurt him that badly. He quickly slipped away from the wall, just as the spark blew up, leaving a burn imprint of his terrified face.

Isla and I stood watching the show, laughing at everyone who was running round like headless chickens. Malfoy ran over, bending over to the floor with his hand over his head, and through himself behind me.

" there going to kill me."

" put your big boy pants on Malfoy."

I stepped out the way just as another spark came flying our way, sending Draco running back down the side of the hall screaming.  I glanced up to the twins who gave me a quick wink, then flew back out the great hall. I grabbed Isla's hand and we ran with the rest of the crowd, out to the courtyard, just as the twins, arranged their fireworks in to a golden 'W' in the sky.

I massive shattering came from behind and I turned round just in time to see all of her stupid framed rules hit the ground.  Everyone round us began to cheer, and clap. I felt a elbow in ribs and Harry had appeared beside me, his smile was big as he clapped along with everyone else. 

" I know he makes you happy, and that makes me
happy," he shouted across to me through all the cheering.

" that's means a lot, thank you!"

We shared another smile for a few more seconds, before I turned back to Isla and continued clapping for the twins. We were surrounded by students from all houses and even some teachers, the whole school had com together to cheer for the twins, just proving how hated the pink witch actually was.

A second later, I felt a hand wrap around my arm and a weight drop by my feet. Instantly, I looked down and Harry had fallen to the floor. I clutched down beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder and scanning the crowds for Hermione or Ron.

" Isla! Find Hermione!"

I turned my attention back to him, staring directly into his eyes, trying to calm him down. His breathing was heavy and he seemed panicky.

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