- chapter 20-

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It had been two weeks since the yule ball and the next round for the tournament was tomorrow and I needed to talk to Cedric. We hadn't spoken since the newspaper incident and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.

" Concentrate Prewett," Snape barked, his words seemed to drag out longer than usual, almost as if he was trying to embarrass me. I shook my head and drew my attention back to him, then realised I hadn't actually written anything down.

" Draco, let me borrow your sheet," I whispered over my shoulder. He gave a loud sigh and handed me his sheet. I scanned over it and he had written down the answers but also drawn all over it.

I turned around and rolled my eyes, " your such a child." I laughed.

" Prewett, see me after class for a detention, you as well Mr Malfoy " Snape yelled, his eyes burning into the back of my head. I snapped my head round to meet his eyes and gave him a cold hard stare.

" certainly, Professor." I spat back, before looking back down at my paper and writing down the answers. I was going to have to wait to find Cedric unless I could get out of detention early.

Class after that felt like forever, but I still had another hour to go. " Miss Prewett, Mr Malfoy I want you to organise the supply cupboard, I trust I can leave you to it without any, funny business," he said, turning his back to us and walking out the door.

" bold move on his part." I huffed, spinning round in my seat to face the blonde. Honestly, I wasn't in the mood to sort out a supply cupboard, I was in the mood to tease Malfoy.

" What do you mean."

" Oh, you know, bold of him to assume I will behave in an empty classroom."

" I hate you." he groaned, pushing himself out the chair and walking over to the supply cupboard. " let's get this done, then we can finish this."

" finish what."

" Prewett, stop."

" Make me,"

Next thing I know he had pushed me against the wall behind me and his hands were placed either side of my face.

"I asked you nicely, stop." his voice was cold and rigid.

" and I told you, you would have to make me," I smirked.

One of his hands moved down to the centre of my chest, pressing me against the wall so I couldn't move. His lips came crashing into mine before I could make another move. I lifted my hand to his tie and held it tightly, giving it a slight tug when he tried to move away. One of his hands were still on the wall, yet the one on my chest began to trace down the buttons on my shirt until it reached my waist.

" You are a nightmare," he muttered, not coming up for air. I could feel the sides of his mouth twitch up as he grabbed my waist. I pulled away and a smirk spread across my face. the boy shook his head and let go of my waist.

" we will finish this later."


" Hey, you," I whispered as I threw myself in the chair next to Cedric. He turned to look at me and a huge grin formed on his face.

" Wondered when I would be seeing you," he responded softly. I gave him a tight hug and then pulled away, leaning back into the chair.

"I wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow, as I am not coming anywhere near you when that Newspaper freak is around." I joked. he shook his head in amusement before pushing a book towards me.

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