- chapter 37-

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Delilah Snape, 1973, age 12

Sirius, Remus and James used this map they created to sneak me to Hogsmeade with them today!  Lily and I spent the day in Honeydukes trying all the sweets then went to Gladrags Wizardwear and tried on every single hat! Luckily I didn't get spotted. It was so fun sneaking out of school, leaving all my year behind and doing
Things I'm not suppose to Breaking the rules is WORTH IT!  Until your older brother Severus spots you and threatens to report you. I swear his house rivalry is bad, it's tearing out bond apart. We use to be so close now it's likes were enemies. But I don't mind I've made a new family. Remus, Sirius, Peter James and Lily. All like my older siblings.  They even threw me a party on my birthday, all showered me with gifts and made a fuss. Sev didn't do anything, didn't even speak to me. He's throwing me out like mum.

Everyone was back from the holidays piling into the common room after our welcome back or happy new year in my case, speech from Dumbledore. The room was buzzing, everyone was chatting and hugging, showing off there new gifts. I was pushing through people trying to find Blaise.

" hi y/n."

" BLAISE!!" I squealed, jumping up and enwinding my  legs around his waist, giving him a tight hug.

" woah hi, missed me that much?" He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my back.

" how was your Christmas?"

" I met mums 7th husband."

" Christ shes still going?"

" mhm. And yours?"

" Snape gave me a gift, one from hun one from my mother. Her diary to be exact. I found out a lot. Butter beer and chat tomorrow ?"

" as always."

I felt someone tap my shoulder, so I jumped out of Blaise's grip and turned around to see Draco stood there in his black suit, face cold and angry, hair neatly scraped to one side.

" Snape wants to see you."

" right ok."

He turned on his heels and walked purposefully out the common room, me trailing behind.  We started up the serval flights of stairs, avoiding people where we could. We reached the seventh floor, where Draco darted down a small corridor I had never noticed, and returned seconds later with a small white bird.

He walked to the large plain brick wall, standing in complete silence, eyes shut, hands cradling the tiny bird. A door began to fork out the bricks and he ushered me in, shutting it behind the both of us.
We walked over to a large black cabinet, the doors meeting at a point, identical to the one in Borgen and Burke. He opens it and let the small white bird hop off his hands onto the the cabinet then shut the door.

" ok Draco you got this. You can do it."

" I don't know..."

I grabbed him by the shoulders his grey eyes met mine and they had lost there sparkle, the one I use to look for, for comfort, and safety, that's how I knew it had all collapsed beneath us no matter what we did.

" listen to me. It will get better, if we get this done. Think of the future, it will leave us free."

His lips came crashing into mine, his hands snaking around my hips and pulling them in so they pressed against his. I let my hands wander from his shoulder up through his hair, running my fingers through it as he kissed me deeper.

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