-chapter 2-

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Waking up in a different room to normal was defiantly an odd feeling but I just shook it off and listen to my stomach growl. I hopped straight out of bed and pulled on the uniform I had been given, the skirt was a bit long for my liking so I rolled it up then tucked my shirt in. I really couldn't be asked to tie up my tie, I also didn't know how to do it so I just hooked it around my neck and threw on my green robes, they were certainly more exciting the my previous plain black ones. I trudged over to the bathroom to have a quick look in the mirror, my eyes looked like they had never seen the light of day so I quickly put on a bit of mascara and eyeliner then gave a satisfied nod. It was amazing what a spot of makeup could do.

I wandered back out the bathroom, grabbing my wand off the dresser on my way past and sliding it into my waistband. I went to walk out the door but stopped when I heard a faint ' good morning' coming from behind me. I turned on my heels, tilting my head and smiling as I saw Isla swinging her legs over the side of the bed and rubbing her eyes. " Im hungry." she groaned. I just laughed and gestured over to the door, trying to get her to hurry up, I was hungry as well.

"I will wait for you outside," I replied, slipping out the door and locking it behind me. I heard the door beside me shut at the same time, I looked over and rolled my eyes as the blonde shot me an evil glare. "lovely to see you too." I walked over to the fireplace and grabbed a couple of the books for my first class, then looked back and gave him a small wink, just to annoy him some more, however that didn't quite go to plan. He stormed over until our faces were only inches away then pushed me against the wall and pressed his hand to my collar bone.

" Watch your attitude," he growled, as he spoke the pressure increased. This was all a bit up close and personally for my liking, but I couldn't move myself away, something in his eyes just kept me still.

"I'm not scared of you Malfoy" I whispered back, his hand fell from my chest and he just gave me a cold stare. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go to breakfast now." I stepped off the wall and flattened out my skirt, smirking at the boy then disappearing off out the common room door. A few minutes later Isla appeared and we made our way down to the great hall. She was talking away but I wasn't really listening to a single word she was saying, my mind was lingering on the subtle stinging on my collar bone. Whatever just happened was weird and I don't think either of us really expected it and I certainly didn't want to be falling for the stuck blonde twat.

As we entered the great hall, I saw Hermione sat with the small ginger girl from yesterday. I turned to Isla who was still chatting away, " find us a seat I will be over in a second," I interrupted, holding up my finger and walking over to the Gryffindor table. I took a seat opposite Hermione and was joined by two other redheads who sat on either side of me and began poking my shoulders. I looked between them and Hermione and just shook my head, " I just wanted to come and say hi again."

She gave me a warming smile and pushed a glass in front of me, " Hows Slytherin house ?" she asked in a mocking tone.

I thought for a second then rolled my eyes and leant forward, lowering my voice to no more than a whisper, " Hell, I have already argued with Malfoy countless time and I'm sharing a dorm with Pansy Parkison, Jemima Longstay and Isla Fisher, who isn't actually that bad."

" Oh, that's tough," one of the boys laughed.

" Pansy is pathetic." the other one added.

I let out a single laugh, followed by an eye roll and a nod. " I sorted her out." I took a quick sip of water then looked between everyone, " So are you lot just terrible at introductions or am I playing a guessing game?"

Hermione let out a dry laugh then gestured towards the girl sat next to her, " this is Ginny and those two idiots sat next to you are Fred and George." I stretched out my hand towards Ginny and she shook it very gently, then pulled away and took a bite of toast, reminding me that I had left Isla and needed to get breakfast myself.

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