-chapter 11-

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" awh, look at these two Blaise," I heard someone whisper.

I blinked a few times before opening my eyes and seeing my best friend stood staring at me. "seems like you can't make it to bed by yourself" she joked.

I furrowed my brows as I sat up and looked around . I completely forgot we fell asleep in the common room last night. Draco was still sound asleep next to me with his hand round my waist.

I closed my eyes as I tried to move his hand carefully, not wanting to wake him up. As I began to uncurl his fingers his grip tightened again.

I looked over to the couple for help, they both stood laughing. Isla walked over and leant off the arm of the couch where the boys head was. "MALFOY" she yelled directly in his ear, making him jump and kick me off the chair.

" Im going to kill you fisher." he groaned, rubbing his eyes and putting down a hand to help me up.

I pulled my off the floor, dragging my hair up into a ponytail to get it out my face. "what do you want Isla?" I asked, my voice laced with annoyance.

" chicken day," Isla laughed, directing her words towards Malfoy.

His face formed a devilish smirk as he shot up from his seat. " thank you Fisher," he nodded before disappearing into the boys dorm.

" chicken day?" I mumbles to myself, trying to figure out what the bloody hell they were talking about. Then it hit me. Buckbeak. Today was the day he got killed, thanks to Draco and Lucius and the whole power and money thing.

" I will be back."

I walked off into my dorm, getting myself ready and just neatening my appearance in general. Once I looked human again, I wandered back out to the common room to see Draco and Isla
equipped with binoculars and Blaise with a stack of books.

" what are we doing? A day trip for a chicken murder?" I joked, gathering up some supply's songs that I could finally do my overdue potions homework.

" that's exactly what we're doing," Isla shot back, hooking her arm around mine and dragging me out the common room.

We ended up just outside the courtyard, sat in the middle of a circle of stones. Blaise and I were sat amongst a-load of books and parchment, where as Draco and Isla with his behind a rock using there binoculars to get a closer look of the gory scene.

We had been joined by Crabbe and some other kid that often sucked up to Malfoy. They were also cowering behind rocks, seemingly a lot less interested, probably only there for fear of getting their ass kicked if they weren't.

" these lot," I laughed, rolling my eyes at the sheer stupidity of them all.

" I have never been one for a gruesome death myself," Blaise chuckled, screwing up his nose as he scanned a page in his book.

" what stumped you?"

" divinations."

I snatched the book up, reading the page to make sense of his task, then went on to explain it to him, frequently telling him how easy and obvious it was.

" Don't get too friendly Zabini," Draco shouted back to the pair of us without taking his eyes off Hagrid's hut.

" they already seem pretty close," I heard Hermione respond from behind us, prompting Draco to snap his head around to face us all.

I looked behind me, shooting the girl an amused grin and noticed Ron and Harry stood behind her, both looking a bit uncomfortable.

" come to see the show?" Malfoy smirked, taking a few steps towards us all, his smirk growing into a devilish smile.

You could see Hermione tense up as he approached, her hand reaching down to the wand sticking out her back pocket.

" granger-"

" you foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach," she spat, charging towards the boy until his back was pressed against the rock.

His face dropped as she held her wand under his chin. I looked over to Blaise, not knowing how to handle this, but knowing Malfoy he probably did something to provoke such reaction.

" can you please not kill him?" I requested, taking a step back so I was in between Harry and Ron. " two galleons say she hits him."

" nah, I think she will freeze him," Ron whispered back.

" deal."

A second later, Hermione turned back to us all before drawing her hand, spinning back round thumping the blonde right in the face.

"Nice hand granger," I laughed as she walked past me with grin, Malfoy pushing between the both of us as he ran inside.

I followed after the boy, trying to put on my best sympathetic smile as he whimpered in pain in the corner of the courtyard.

"let me see," I said softly, pulling his hand away from his face to see the 'damage.' There was a bit of blood dripping from his nose but apart from that it was nothing major, from his reaction I thought the bone would be sticking out or something.

" she's crazy," he grumbled, holding his hand to his face once more.

" she's powerful," I corrected.

" I hate you so much, spend summer with me."

" that's a very contradictory sentence," I laughed, " but ok."

End of year three

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