- chapter 4-

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I was actually quite excited for defence against the dark arts, Lupin was by far my favourite professor. I had run into him in the corridor a few times time and he would always stop and have a little chat with me, offering to help tutor me with some basic spells over some pumpkin juice and chocolate, but i always politely declined. Over the past month or so i had really got into the swing of using my wand, spells were coming to me like i had known them my entire life, it was great! One spell i couldn't quite figure out yet was how to shut someone up, i really needed to use it on Draco, we had been non stop arguing since the whole 'incident' with pansy. I tried to act like i didn't give a shit, which mostly i didn't, but there was still a small part of me that felt lost without him and completely envied Pansy for gaining all of his attention, but i still had Blaise and Isla, even though i was certain these two had started to hook up quite frequently. I spent the majority of my time with Hermione and Ginny, but trying to avoid Ron, i still wasn't too keen on him, he gave me the creeps and was incredibly annoying, on the other hand, Harry seemed lovely, he was quite awkward and shy but we slowly had started to talk more.

I was stood outside DADA class, waiting eagerly for professor lupin to show, i was finding our current topic quite interesting, Redcaps and hinkypunks were surprisingly very fascinating. After a few minutes, no one had shown, so we all just let ourselves in, taking a seat wherever we felt like because that's what we would usually do. I sat down next to Isla, one of the best choices i had made we would always giggle so much that the lesson flew by, and slammed my book down on the table, catching Draco out the corner of my eye. He was staring at me with a completely blank expression not giving any hints as to why he was actually looking over at me. I nudged Isla and subtly nodded over him, " Twat." she scoffed, rolling her eyes and pulling out her quill and frantically scribbling something onto a piece of paper. I leant over her shoulder to see what it said but she screwed it up into a ball and tossed it at Crabbe's before i had a chance.

" Um miss girl, what was that all about." I laughed, thinking it was going to be some sort of love note, but then i looked between Isla and Crabbe and realised there was no chance, my best friend had some standards.

" Watch and learn my darling, watch and learn," she replied, a smirk spreading across her lips.

We both dropped our head in our hands and watched closely as Crabbe unfolded the piece of paper and screwed up his face, " I do not want to fuck Goyle." He spat over in disgust. I always choked on my own spit, Isla was brilliant, where did she come up with this stuff. I gave her a quick high five and we both began to giggle uncontrollably before being interrupted by another piece of paper, this time it was shaped like a bird and it landed gently on the desk in front of me. There was only one person who would go this over the top for a note. Malfoy. Having not spoken in some time i was a bit apprehensive to open it but what did i have to lose apart from my virginity, which was not going anywhere just yet, especially not with him.

I unfolded it carefully making sure not to rip the parchment.

'Wouldnt mind you though.

Disgusting. but also smooth and quite sweet. But mainly Disgusting. " Blaise was right, his handwriting is awful." I chuckled, passing the note over to Isla, of course, i was going to share this with her, who else was i going to plan the humiliation sensation with? Her eyes widened and her hand flew over her mouth as she tried to hold in her shrieks of laughter.

" Oh this is absolute gold." she giggled, waving it in front of her face and giving me a wink. " I have an idea." I knew it was going to be something good, she always had that certain look about her when she was feeling confident about a plan. She jumped up onto the top of her desk and cleared her throat, " I would like everybody here to know that Draco Lucius Malfoy has a fat crush on Y/n and she is kindly rejecting him because he is a massive di-"

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