-chapter 18-

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it was the next morning and I had woken up late, I looked around the dorm but I couldn't see anyone, so I just headed straight down to the great hall for breakfast. As I walked in I saw Isla, Blaise and Draco all huddled round reading a paper. I went to sit down next to them and they all glared at me.

" want to explain this?" Draco hissed, shoving the paper in my face. I scanned the front cover and my stomach flipped as I realised what was on it. It was a picture of me and Cedric hugging, beside it was Hermione and harry and it was titled ' young love'

" Listen, guys, I can explain." I began, I gulped thickly in an attempt to hold back my tears.

" just go y/n, " Isla spat, turning her back to me. I stood frozen for a minute before the tears came flooding down my face, I didn't know where to go, so I ran over to the Gryffindor table and threw myself at Ron.

" hey, what the matter, are you okay?" he asked,  wrapping his arms tightly around my back. As if Hermione knew she pushed the paper towards Ron. " bloody hell."

I just sat crying into his shoulder until it was physically impossible to cry anymore. I looked up, my whole body shaking, and my eyes fuzzy and burning from all the crying.  I pulled myself away from the ginger and used the corners of my sleeves to wipe my eyes. " I need a pen and paper." I croaked. Hermione handed me them instantly and just smiled.

Dear Narcissa,

I need your help, please. I know you have no reason to believe over your son but this time I beg you do. I have been set up, I went to see my friend before he competed in a tournament and I hugged him as I did this a photograph was taken and is now on the front page of the daily prophet. you have probably seen it. Please you have to believe me this is fake. I am writing because I need you to talk to Draco, he won't believe me. You have to understand I love your son with my whole heart, I just need him back. please don't show my father this letter I don't want Draco to end up getting hurt.

love y/n

Writing a letter to Narcissa was the only thing I could think of, I didn't even bother sealing it up I just gave it straight to my owl and it flew off. 

" I don't know what I'm going to do." I whimpered dropping my head into my hands.

Harry pushed a plate of food in front of me, " eat, would be a start." he insisted. I really wasn't in the mood but picked up a slice of toast anyway.

" what if he doesn't want to speak to me again, I can't be without him I ca-" I began waffling, waving my toast in front of my face and feeling my eyes well up again.

" I have an idea, its crazy but it could just work." Hermione interrupted, " Truth potion, I will find a way to make Draco drop some in a drink and that way, he knows you are telling the truth."

" bloody hell Hermione, that's is crazy, even for you." Ron scoffed, wrapping his arm back around me as tears rolled down my face at the mention of his name.  A second later I felt another hand place itself on my shoulder, I snapped my head around quickly.

" Blaise?" I muttered, " what are you doing here?"

" I know you wouldn't do that to Malfoy, I just wanted to check if you were alright," he answered, rubbing my shoulder slightly. I wanted to tell him that I had sent a letter to Draco's mother, but I wasn't going to admit that in front of the trio, after all it was a bit pathetic.

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