- chapter 44-

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Delilah Snape, age 20, October 30th
Tom is going to kill Harry, he claims it's some sort of prophecy he has to carry. I couldn't stop him, but I know he has Lily to protect him, but Tom won't stop at anything. The only thing I can do is get to Lily, try and help protect Harry. It's my only choice, to go against him, they are my family.

I was stood on the top of the cliff that looked over Hogwarts, the school was surrounded by a protection spell, meaning I couldn't apparate into to find Draco and he couldn't get out. I just hoped that he was going to be okay. I took a step back so I was stood between Narcissa and some random death eater, and grabbed her hand out of fear.

" He is going to be okay sweetheart," she whispered to me, I could tell by her shaky voice that she was worried for him as well.

The hissing began to ring through my ears then I heard the familiar voices, followed by a small whimper that sounded a lot like Draco, I slowly collapsed to the floor as my mind fogged over, I saw harry stabbing the crown with a sharp white object, then I saw him approaching the forest in front of me and my dad than a long white flash before I saw myself standing opposite Harry in the courtyard.

I shook my head to force the vision out, using Narcissa hand to pull myself back up. A single tear rolled down my cheek and I turned to her, " I think I heard Draco."

These visions must tell the future because if i saw myself that wouldn't make any sense if it was the present.

" It sounded like he was crying."

She pulled me into her side and rubbed my shoulder. " Im sure he is okay, He is strong."

I nodded and looked up into the sky as all of the deatheaters began to throw spells at the bubble, slowly cracking it so it disintegrated, I didn't have my wand so i was unable to help, but i wasn't going too complain because there was something really pretty about watching it fall apart, It looked a lot like glittery snow.

The deatheaters kept throwing spells until they thought it was suitable to charge towards the castle. I stayed put with Narcissa, my dad and a few others. We watched as a few of them ran and exploded into little blue specks of dust.

Suddenly the hissing started again but this time it felt stronger, like something was in pain, like part of me was being destroyed. I screwed up my face and leant into Narcissa as a pain shot through my head, more extreme then before. The noise was so loud i couldn't here the voices or focus on the visions. My chest began to burn and i curled over in pain, digging my finger nails into my forehead out of frustration.

" Stop, Please, Stop."

The pain was becoming unbearable, then stopped abruptly. I stood back up straight and rubbed my eyes to adjust back to reality. I looked over to my dad who was bent over with his hands on his head.

I walked over to join the dark lord, as i approached he took a deep breath and let out a loud cry, pointing his wand towards the bubble and sending a powerful spell crashing into it. The protection began to crack and large pieces floated off, whatever spell had just been thrown must off been very powerful because the bubble had almost disappeared by the time i gave it a second glance.

" Give me your hand, i must keep you and nagini safe." He inisted, stretching out his pale hand towards me.

I took it hesitantly and without any warning we apprated, appearing in a small shed on the lake. "You must stay close."

I gave him a small nod and continued to scan my surroundings, there was a small boat floating in the water to my left and to my right was an open door that lead into a storage room. I turned around to take a look behind me but i froze as i saw lucius.

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