-chapter 31-

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—————————— summer —————————-

I walked into the manor, with my head hung. I hadn't yet taken Isla's jumper off, it still had her smell, it still felt like her and I didn't have it in me to let that go. 

I trudged through to the kitchen and Narcissa was told there, her arms open. I walked straight over and she wrapped her arms around me tightly, running her hands through my hair.

" You ok My dear? Can I help at all?"

I shook my head as I hugged her tightly, there was something warm and comforting about her hugs, it was different to Draco's.

" well I tell you what, go get yourself settled, have a nice warm shower and then come and join us for tea if you feel like it, you don't have too."

I took a step back and gave her a nod, whilst she wiped the stray tear from my cheek, replacing it with a small kiss.

I walked back out the kitchen, collecting my case from the fireplace n dated up the stairs, Draco quickly ran up beside me, taking my case and placing a hand in the middle of my back.

" Hey darling, how about you stay in my room for a bit?" 

" ok."

It still hadn't fully hit me, what actually happened to Isla, I was still trying to process it all. Every part of me felt numb, like there wasn't  any longer a purpose, someone to live for. Sure I still had Draco, but that's different. She was Isla. My Isla. My best friend. My person. My sidekick. Now my nothing.

I tugged on the sleeve of her jumper and I used it to wipe the tear up before it even fell. Just thinking about her made my heart drop 100 stories. We reached the landing and I had my eyes to my feet, trying to mask the now falling tears. Everything reminded me of her, no matter where I looked.

" oh baby... come here," he whispered, pulling me into a hug without a word. He held my head to his chest and kissed the top of it lightly. " your okay, it'll be ok."

" I miss her Draco," I sobbed, my tears sinking into his black suit jacket.

" I know you do love, I know, even I miss her."

We both walked into his room and he sat me in the edge of his bed, untying my laces, taking off my shoes and hanging the clothes in my case up. I sat staring at the floor, scared to look up in case I saw something that reminded me of her and it kick started the water works again.

Malfoy sat behind me, his legs either side of me, his hands wrapped around my stomach. He pulled me backwards so I was leant up against him, and he kept placing gentle kisses on my temple whilst I sat staring at nothing.

" let's go get you cleaned up."

He grabbed hold of both of my hands and pulled me off the edge of the bed and I followed him down to the bathroom. I felt terrible for being like this around him, even guilty, but I just couldn't help it.

I sat on the bathroom counter as he tugged out my braids, then he reached for the bottom of the jumper.

" this has to come off now darling... mum can wash it for you."

I knew he was right, but it would mean the last bit of her I had would be gone. I held the collar over my nose and took one last deep breath before pulling it over my head and handing it to him. Tears came to my eyes as I finally let it go.

My body was cold as I sat on the bathroom counter in just my bra and skirt, my hair fell over my shoulders, my hands were shaky as I fiddled with the rings on my fingers.

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