-chapter 24-

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---------------------- year 5 ----------------------

I decided to sit with Ron, Hermione and Harry, after all, I did have to keep an eye on Harry and I felt like I hadn't caught up with Ron in a while, on top of that Draco was now being a bit of a twat and hardly saying two words to me. As I walked into the compartment, they all furrowed their brows but Ron budged up and tapped the seat next to him.

" Hey, did you all have a nice summer?"

" It was certainly Chaotic, didn't you hear about Harry's hearing," Hermione answered, tilting her head to the side and handing me a copy of the daily prophet. The front cover was a picture of Harry in the ministry of magic, the headline was ' Harry Potter almost expelled from Hogwarts.'

" shit what happened ?"

" Dementors attack," he replied with a sigh. I shook my head and leant back in my seat. "Anyway, why are you here?"

" I haven't spoken to you all in what has felt like months,"

" You had an argument with Malfoy again didn't you," Ron questioned, giving me a side-eye. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

" no Isla."

" what about."

"doesn't matter." I huffed, grimacing as I remembered that night.

" they are Pathetic." the girl scoffed. Even though I was mad at her she had no right to talk about my best friend like that.

" No, she is not, she has a lot going on, it was probably a bit of a shock that she kissed me."
Immediately I threw my hands over my mouth as soon as I realised what I had said. Harry began to choke on his water and Ron just laughed. " yes very fucking funny."

" never knew Fisher liked women." Ron chuckled. I hit the top of his head with the paper in my hand. But couldn't help but laugh a little two.

" next thing you know she will be fucking your sister."

"Or Pansy."

The three of sat laughing with each other, but Harry seemed pretty distant.. he was sat staring out the window, his hair messy and eyes glassy. When the laughter died down and Ron was trying to flirt with Hermione, I leant over and tapped Harry on the shoulder, lowering my voice to no more then a whisper.

" you alright Harry?"

His eyes flicked down to my hand on his shoulder, then traced up along my arm, until he met my eyes. He sat staring at me for what felt like a five minutes until he managed a nod and looked away again.

" I think you should go now y/n." Harry said, his voiced laced with the slightest bit of anger.

I didn't want to start yet another argument so, I got up and left the compartment, wandering  down to the Slytherin end. I stopped, took a deep breath and slid the door open.
Isla and Blaise was sat together on one side, Blaise's arm around Isla's waist, Isla's hands awkwardly resting in her lap. Her eyes met mine with a sense of guilt, she hadn't told Blaise.

On the other side of the  table, Draco was sat with Pansy.  Pansy was running her hands up and down his arm and giggling, about his 'scruffy' suit. I leant against the doorframe of the carriage just watching as Draco looked at her in disgust but didn't say anything.
I wandered over to the four of them with a sweet, fake smile, plastered across my face.

" Hello."

" Hello y/n," Isla and Blaise said in unison, the pair glancing up at me with an apologetic expression, as if they felt sorry for me.

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