-chapter 21-

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Dear y/n,

Oh My dear that sounds horrible, im glad Draco was looking after you and I'm happy that you two are okay. I have a message from your father to give to you, he asks if you can come home for a week, he says to not let anyone know. I know you will worry about Draco but I will take care of that. He asks you to come as soon as you read this letter, best of luck my dear, I will see you soon.

Much love Narcissa

It had been a week since I wrote my letter to Narcissa, so as you can imagine it was quite a surprise when I read it. Luckily, I was alone in the dorm room so my surprised reaction wasn't seen by anyone. Immediately my mind began to wonder, what did he want, a week out of school was a long time to try and go unnoticed. The only way I was going to find out it to go and see him as he asked. Frantically, I ran around my room grabbing enough clothes to last me, I stuffed them into my bag and apparated.

I love the fact I had to managed to learn how to use the magic my dad had given me, it made life somewhat more exciting and easy.

I appeared  on the step outside the door and dropped my bag by my feet and took a deep breath before knocking loudly. I would normally just let myself in but this time, something didn't feel right about doing that. The door slowly creaked open, revealing Narcissa on the other side.

" I missed you, Sweetheart," she said softly, opening her arms and pulling me into a hug. I peered over her shoulder and saw Lucius stood just behind her with a small smile across his face. I gave him a small nod then pulled away.

" wheres Bellatrix?"

I was so eager to see her, obviously, I missed the whole family but I had to admit I missed Bella the most, after all she and I were the main source of entertainment

" With your father, where they normally are darling," she replied, pointing over to the usual door. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked over, I turned back and gave the couple a grateful smile before pushing it open.

I saw Bellatrix stood by the table in the corner of the room, immediately I dropped my bag and walked  over. " AH, you made it." she cackled warping her arm around my shoulder and pulling me into her side. I gave her a smile and pulled out my wand and held it to her.

" You missed me didn't you."

" Sure."

Suddenly I remembered that I had come here to see my dad, I looked over to the other end of the room and he was stood leant against the chair with a smirk on his face.

" My own daughter chose Bellatrix over me." he began.

" Hi, Dad," I replied with a hint of sarcasm, wandering over to join him. "Let's get to the point, why have you dragged me out of school for a week."

" Harry potter's time is coming to an end, I need to train you in how to use the killing curse," he continued, glancing over at Bella. " Bellatrix said she would help."

the killing curse, one thing to learn it but potentially getting to use it as well was kind of exciting, and I had no idea why. I flicked my eyes between the pair in disbelief, I knew it was wrong to be as excited as I was, but I was the dark lord's daughter I was bound to have a wicked streak running through me.

" When do we start?"

" We could do it now," the woman suggested, creeping out from the corner with a smirk on her face.

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