-chapter 23-

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I followed Narcissa through the front door and she turned to face the four of us. " Isla, Blaise, give me your bags I will take them up to your room for you," she said softly, stretching out her hands and taking the bags. " Draco, y/n, take care of our guest for me."

A spell brushed past Isla's face and I span round to see who cast it and of course it was Bella.

" Bellatrix, this  is Isla and Blaise," I scolded, looking over to Draco and rolling my eyes. " your aunt has a security problem."

" Sorry, my dear," she said, walking over to Draco and I and wrapping her arms around our shoulders and leaning on us to inspect Blaise and Isla.

" Isla, Blaise, this Is Bellatrix,"

" she isn't too bad," Draco added.

" Draco, I know you're my nephew but I do prefer your girlfriend" Bella began, "I recognise this one." she pointed over to Isla, who gulped thickly. " I think it's your mum I know, Miss fisher is it?"

I looked between Isla and Bellatrix for a few seconds, " we need to talk "I insisted, grabbing Isla and Bellatrix by the wrists and dragging them into the next room and slamming the door behind us. I gestured for Isla to pull up her sleeve, she flicked her eyes between me and the woman and reluctantly tugged her sleeve up.

" will you be nice to her now?"

" fine."

We walked back out to join the boys again, and they were both stood their with pure confusion across their face. Isla scurried out from behind me , hurling herself behind Blaise and staring between Bella, Draco and I. I didn't see why she was so scared of Bella but I suppose she can com across as terrifying.

" so any family here y/n?" Blaise asked innocently.

I looked between Draco and the door where my dad held his meetings then made my way over to the door.

"  I'm going to go and  dress the cat in the bathroom."

" the cat really needs tending to."  Malfoy insisted, giving mea shove in an attempt to move me up the stairs quicker. I stumbled up the first few steps then gained my balance and ran. I pushed the Malfoy's bedroom door open and threw myself on the bed with a dramatic sigh.

" well that was awkward,"
The boy came and lead next to me, so we were both on our backs staring at the ceiling. "remind me again why I thought this was a good idea."

"I don't know, we just can't have any fun now either."

" Who said we can't have any fun," I smirked and in one swift movement I rolled over so I was sat on top of the blonde. He wrapped his hands round the back of my neck, pulling me down to his level and pressing his lips against mine.

" get yourself cleaned up for dinner then afterwards..." he smirked, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear."

" I am going for a shower then."

I slipped out the door with a smile and walked down to my bedroom to grab a change of clothes before heading down to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and folded up my clothes, putting them on the toilet seat. As I was washing the shampoo out my hair I heard the door open and then close again a few seconds later but I was adamant that I had locked it so just put it down to a figment of my imagination.

I hoped out the shower and pulled my clothes on but I couldn't find my t-shirt anywhere, luckily my bra was still here so I slipped it on and cracked the door open. " Draco," I yelled down the corridor but I got no reply. I scanned the halls quickly and no one was coming so I ran down to his room. It was closer than mine so it was a better option.

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