- chapter 45-

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To whoever reads this...
If your reading this, Tom is dangerous. He will not stop at anything to get what he wants. Take my daughter, give her too Molly Prewett until the age of five when her first child attends Hogwarts. I don't want y/n to know about the wizarding world. Her father is dangerous. The wizarding world will not be good for her, she'll find out about her father, he'll get her back. Severus if you happening to be reading this. Stay away from my Daughter, I don't want you breaking her heart like you did mine until she is old enough to understand. Give her this diary for her 16th Christmas. Only then. Let her know the truth. Y/n, my darling girl, when you read this, I hope your safe, if you become a witch, you'll be the best one I knew, I will forever be proud of
Love mum

The death eaters were walking in a group into the middle of the forbidden forest, I was standing near the front with Narcissa with my hand wrapped around hers. My dad had summoned Harry to the forest so he could kill him without any distractions. As much as I hated Harry I didn't want to see him die, but I couldn't let anyone know that.

We all stood in a huddle round my father and waited for the boy to show, after some time there was no sign of him, and I thought he wasn't going on to come but then he emerged from the trees opposite. My eyes welled up as I saw his dull wounded face, I desperately wanted to go over to him and ask he knew anything about Draco but I had to hold myself back for our sake.

" Harry? NO what are you doing here." I heard hagrid cry, only bringing more tears to my eyes. So many people cared about him and he was just going to give it all up.

" Harry Potter, the boy who lived, come to die." my dad said quietly, pointing his wand towards him.

The whole world seemed to fall silent for a brief second before my dad yelled the killing curse at the boy. It was as if it hit me as well, a sharp pain filled my body making me fall to the floor, I blacked out for a few seconds then felt someone pulling me up off the floor.

I opened my eyes and saw Narcissa looking down at me with a concerned expression on her face, I snapped my head over to look a Harry who was curled up on the floor. I shook myself off, jumped up and walked over to Harry, Narcissa following closely behind me.

I crouched down, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. I noticed the slightest flare of his nose and I leant in closer to him. " Harry?" I mumbled He flickered his eyelids and I shot a look over to Narcissa.

She leant down into his ear, " Draco, is he alive?"

He gave a tiny nod and I let out a shaky sigh, tears of happiness filling my eyes. Narcissa pulled me up off the floor and we turned around to face the crowd of death eaters.


A cheer echoed around the crowd, I shot a look over to Narcissa with furrowed brows, she grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze then walked us back over to join the death eaters. I could see with my own eyes that Harry isn't dead, so what on earth was going through her head.

I stood shaking, watching closely as Hagrid walked over to the boy and picked him up, he seemed weak with sadness, I desperately wanted to tell him that it was okay and Harry was alive, but I was pretty sure Harry had some sort of plan and if I did that it would just ruin it all for him. Hagrid got yanked over to the front of the crowd and we all followed him and my dad out of the forest.

We were walking along the bridge that took us to the entrance of the school, people began to congrigate and stare at us with fear and confusion. I pushed myself to the front of the crowd in a desperate attempt to find Draco, but we were still just too far away for me to identify anybody.

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