- chapter 43-

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Delilah Snape, 20, 1980, March 1st
Tom has been distant, holding meeting in locked rooms, hexing doors, trying to teach our 1 year old daughter spells. Something is up, but he won't tell me. There's random people walking around our house, all in black carrying there Wands, creeping like they shouldn't be seen. One woman in particular keeps catching my eye, I've walked into her a couple times. Bellatrix I believe her name is, seems like she has a obsession. I would love to know what they are planning, and why more and more people keeps showing up.

" what if it all goes wrong?" I was lead in bed staring up at the ceiling, Draco's arms wrapped around me. He hadn't let me go since the incident with Ron, he thought I'd hurt myself again.

" we'll what if we take the chance whilst we have it to make every minute count."

The corner of his lips twitched up into a smirk as he began to run his hand up my top. I rolled over so I was sat on his stomach, both of his hands now up my shirt, grabbing my waist.

" i think that's a great idea."

———— smut

I leant down by his cheek, peppering small kisses, down his jaw. He fumbled around for his wand on the bedside table, hexing the door, to assure no one came in. I heard the wand roll off the bed and drop on the floor as he pulled my top over my head.

His hands fell back around my waist as he pinned me down to the bed, lowering himself to my neck as he kissed it harshly. His hands wandered my body, caressing every exposed inch. He fiddled with the waist band of my shorts, sliding them down and tossing the away.

" it's like your prepared," he smirked, tugging on the sides of my black lace panties.

He unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it away like a piece of rubbish, and swiftly moved to his belt, unbuckling it and letting his trousers fall.He leant back down to my neck, sprinkling it with lots of kisses working his way down my body. His lips tickled my bare stomach, and brushed across my hip bones. His hands seized my hips and he yanked me to the edge of the bed, tearing off my pants, and throwing them away like the rest of our clothing.

He dropped his boxers, letting his length spring up, the tip brushing against my clit ever so slightly. His hands snaked up to my waist gripping it tightly as he inserted the tip. My breathing began to get heavier and he started he started thrusting his hips towards me, his cock pumping in and out.

Soft moans escaped my lips as he pounded in and out, his grip around my waist tightening as I arched my back, pleasure overwhelming me.

" good girl," he groaned, just as a low moan broke up his words.

I felt his nails dig into my skin as he tossed his head back. His hand slipped up around my neck, pressing down tightly, I took a sharp inhale as his thumb pushed into the side of neck, letting out his aggression as he reached his brink.

He let out a long, low groan and slowed down, his grip loosing around my neck and venturing back down my body. They snaked down past my waist, running up the insides of my thighs as he pulled further out.

He pulled his underwear back up, and threw himself down in the bed next to me, as I scrambled around for a blanket to cover myself. My legs were twitching and my inside was tingling.

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