- chapter 26 -

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After lunch we all made our way to potions.

I was almost certain Isla and Ginny were a thing at this point, as Ginny had been walking her to every class and every so often you could see there finger twist together. Like right now, Harry and I were walking down the corridor our fingers laced together stood right behind them and Ginny kept twisting her pinky around Isla's.

Malfoy and Blaise were behind the four of us, and all I could hear was them muttering, undoubtedly about Isla and I.

" Oh shit. I left my book in the common room."

" do you want me to come with you to get it?"

" no it's ok I'll be back in a minute."

I walked back off down the hall, pushing straight between Blaise and Draco, allowing my hand to brushing against his.

I continued walking down the corridor and all of a sudden I was shoved into the storage closet to my left.

" we have to stop ending up like this Malfoy," I smirked.

My back got pressed up against the door and his hands were either side of my face, propping him up. His lips brushed my ear and his hot breath tickled my neck.

" you need to stop teasing me."

I leant in closer to his face so our lips we're almost touching.

" do I?"

Our lips came crashing into each other and his hands immediately found their way around my waist, gripping it tightly and pinning me to the door so I was under his control. Our tongues pressed together in a hot, open mouthed kiss. I locked my arms around his neck as I felt his hands slide up my shirt, his cold hands rubbing against my bare skin.

Our kiss came to an abrupt stop as we both realised the timing of our actions. I neatened your his tie whilst he tidy up my hair and shirt collar, then we both left the cupboard at separate times, so nothing would be suspicious.

I walked into class first, making sure to hold some sort of book so it didn't seem like I had been lying, and took my seat between Isla and Harry.

" did I miss anything?"

Harry nodded towards the front of the class and Umbridge was stood there with a clipboard in hand,   watching  Snape's every move, like she was trying to find something to nit pick even though he hadn't actually moved a muscle yet.

" stop applied for defence against the dark arts post first is that correct?" She giggled, scribbling something down on her clipboard.

" yes...." Snape replied, dragging out his words and staring around at us as we all tried to hold in our laughter.

The rest of our table, Hermione, Ron, Goyle and Pavarti, will all trying conceal there laughter as well, however Ron was doing an awful job.

" and you were unsuccessful?"

" obviously...."

The woman did a bit more scribbling then dismissed herself, and as soon as she did our table burst into laughter. The laughter only increased when Snape came over to our table and whacked Ron over the head with a book. Isla and I just couldn't contain ourselves and we received a whack over the head as well.

" is that even legal?" Isla complained, rubbing the back of her head, and pulling a face behind the man's back.

" probably not," I laughed, but as always he only heard me. I received another hit around the head with a book, followed up by a detention.

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