Chapter 47

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Alexis' POV

       Right as the words come out of Narcissa's mouth I want to ask more questions but Draco gives me a look and I know it's better to stay quiet. His mother exits the room doorway and we both immediately get up and follow behind.

              "Do you think they actually found him?" I whisper.

        Draco stays silent and continues forward into the dining room. I try to join at his side but his arm stretches out in front of my body, almost like he's trying to protect me from what's ahead.

         I still manage to peek around the corner and see all of the furniture is pushed aside, creating a large empty space. In the center of the room stands Bellatrix Lestrange.

      Draco's arm doesn't move even when I try to pull it down which makes me think there's something he doesn't want me seeing.

                        "Come on, Draco." His aunt purrs.

           He looks back at me before joining in the center of the room with Bella. I take a few steps forward but feel my body come to a complete stop when I see the line of people behind her.

                 Alyssa, Ron, Gabriella, Hermione, and Luna.

     And on his knees beside them is Harry. But he doesn't look like himself, or look how he did the last time I saw him. His face is swollen and distorted.

         I feel my eyes grow big with fear as they all turn to me with defeated expressions.

           Part of me expects them to try and speak to me but they all stay quiet, like I'm just another death eater.

           Bella crouches down beside Harry and pulls his head back for everyone to see. The hair on his forehead falls back slightly, revealing a scar.

            Draco walks towards her.

               "Well?!" She hisses.

        He looks down at Harry slightly. "I can't really tell, his face is all messed up."

          The look on his aunt's face goes sour and she uses her hand to pull Draco down onto the ground.

          "Is it him, Draco?" Her smile starts to form once again. "We have to be absolutely certain. If not, The Dark Lord will kill us all."

           I feel my heart tighten. Draco and Harry have always fought but will he actually turn in into The Dark Lord? And if he does, will the others go with?

                   Draco clears his throat. "I can't be sure."

Two of the snatchers push me aside aggressively. "What do you mean you can't be sure? We found Harry Potter and if we don't get our share of-"

                                "Quiet!" Bellatrix shouts.

All of the sudden, I see her eyes meet with mine. The hairs on the back of my neck rise instantly but I try to act unamused.

                 "How about you?" She stands up, brushing off her dress.

       I straighten my posture when everyone slowly starts to turn my way, including Draco.

         She looks back at Alyssa, Gabriella, and Luna. "I've seen you all together before, at The Three Broomsticks."

        When her eyes meet back with mine I hold my breath. Her feet bring her closer to me and eventually we are face to face.

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