Chapter 45

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Alexis' POV

        The break is quickly coming to an end. For some reason this next term terrifies me the most. No one has really said what's going to happen but my gut tells me it's going to be bad.

        Ever since Draco told me he wanted to help defeat The Dark Lord, I've been trying to figure out how exactly we could do such a thing. Even though I know deep down my father wants to do the same, he'd never allow me to fight against the death eaters.

     I feel like the first step to ending Voldemort would be to talk with Harry, but who knows where he is.

                                   "Have you seen Paige at all?"

        Draco shakes his head and I dramatically drop my chin into the palm of my hand. She's the only other person I've talked to about this stuff that knows things. Not only that, but I trust her.

            I still refuse to believe she actually went home for the holidays. Does that mean she's in that big house all by herself? Or is she secretly with Harry?

          "I want to do something," Draco shuts his journal and looks over at me. "We should do something."

          I let out a small chuckle. "Alright then, do you have anything in mind?"

        I watch as he thinks long and hard. Every idea that comes to his mind he shuts down, until...

                        "I want to take you on a date." He says sternly.

                                          I raise an eyebrow. "A date?"

       He nods. "Well, only if you want. We don't really do that stuff often so why not?"

        He's not wrong. I can't really remember a time when Draco and I went on a date. It has never bothered me, for the most part every second with him is a nice time.

            "Sounds like fun," I reply happily. Draco's eyes light up when I do so. "Where do you want to go?"

           Once again, I stump him. Just as I try to offer my help, he gets up from the table.

           "I'll figure something out." He pushes his chair in and starts towards the common room exit.

            I turn in his direction and laugh. "What am I supposed to do until then?"

                        He huffs. "Get dressed, I'll be in your dorm at eight."

          Before I can ask anymore questions he slams the door and I'm left in complete silence.

Draco's POV

         As pathetic as it is, I spend a lot of time planning dates in my head. Most of them are nothing special, just watching stars or getting food in Hogsmeade. But I never think about actually going through with them.

         Now that it's almost second term I'm starting to realize if I want to plan something I need to do it before school starts. Who knows when we'll get a chance to do it again; or if we even will.


         Blaise jumps slightly at my aggressive yelling but once he sees it's me, he relaxes.

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