Chapter 31

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Alexis' POV

        It's the first day of September which means school is starting up once again. I wish I could be excited but something tells me it's going to be a lot more than just the last for us seventh years.

       My father had to go to Hogwarts earlier than usual because he's becoming the headmaster. I'm not really sure how to feel about that either.

       I woke up early this morning and got all of my things packed and ready before heading to the train station to meet up with others. None of us have really kept in contact for obvious reasons but hopefully I can find them as soon as I get on the train.

      After making my way to the platform and storing all of my belongings on the train, I begin slowly walking through each cart trying to spot someone I know.

      Suddenly, a few first years run by anxiously and knock over a pile of chocolate frogs on the trolley standing alone in the hall. I wait patiently for them to turn around and clean up but they continue forward and enter one of the compartments.

        I let out an irritated sigh, then crouch down and pick up the sweets. Just as I start to stand again, hands cover my eyes and everything goes dark.

                     "Making a mess, I see."

      The hands move away and I spin around instantly when I recognize the voice.

        "Draco!" I say happily while wrapping my arms around his neck.

             "You act like you haven't seen me in ages." He scoffs.

     I let go of him and roll my eyes. The last time I saw him was over a month ago.

                          "Don't worry, I missed you too."

       Draco looks over at the trolley cart beside me and picks up a few pieces of taffy. I watch as he reaches his hand into his pocket and pulls out a single sickle and drops it on the cart.

                   "Let's find someplace to sit." He says.

       I nod and take the lead as we walk down the hall and peek into each compartment in hopes of finding empty seats.

         Just as we're about to reach the end, I see a pair of familiar faces sitting alone.

                      "These seats taken?" I ask.

        Aubrey and Gabriella look away from each other and instantly smile when they see me standing in the doorway.

                 "I told you she would be here!" Aubrey says to Gabriella.

      The two of them signal for me to join and I do so. Draco waits patiently for an invitation and Gabriella nods informing him he can sit as well.

            "We missed you so much over the summer." Gabriella smiles.

                "I missed you guys too, but where's everyone else?"

         It's not normal for them to sit alone. The girls are all usually glued by the hips.

         Aubrey gives Draco and I a worried look. I widen by eyes letting her know I'm still waiting for an answer.

         "I don't think Harry, Ron, or Hermione are going to be coming back this year." She says quietly.

                    Draco scoffs. "Of course they're not."

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