Chapter 5

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Alexis' POV

         The same group from the first night at Hogwarts meets up at The Three Broomsticks for drinks. I guess it's kind of like a celebration for getting through the first day.

            I spot Theodore at the train station and let out a sigh of relief.

                 "Sorry it took me so long." I apologize.

           He laughs. "No worries, you're here now."

       I nod and he signals for me to walk in front of him.

                        "Ladies first."

        There's an open compartment in the back that we snag. Everyone else must've already left because they're not on the train.

       "Was Malfoy causing you trouble earlier?" Theo asks while taking a seat beside me.

                  I scratch my head trying to decide on how to answer.

        "Well, if he keeps bothering you, let me know."

       I smile and nod before turning towards the window. It's September, meaning the trees are going to change color soon. Autumn is my favorite time of the year so I'm thrilled. I imagine they're already a bright red shade, but for some reason my mind keeps wanting to go back to green.

                          "There you two are!"

       My attention is drawn to the door of the compartment. Aubrey, Anna, and Lisa are already sitting down across from us.

                   "We thought everyone left on the last train." I explain.

      "That was the plan," Lisa huffs. "But Aubrey forgot to feed her cat so we had to turn around."

               Aubrey crosses her arms. "Yeah, blame me."

      "It's alright, Luna said they'll get a big table for all of us." Anna reassures.

        The train stops at Hogsmeade and we all exit quickly hoping the others haven't been waiting too long. I feel Theodore's hand subtly run against my own but I pretend to scratch my nose trying to avoid his gesture.

       When I walk into The Three Broomsticks I see the large group of Hogwarts students seated at a table in the back. Paige waves excitedly and I rush over to greet the rest.

             "We thought you were never going to show!" Harry chuckles.

        Theodore helps take my coat off then hangs it up on the wall.

                 "It's all Aubrey's fault." I say sarcastically.

       Aubrey flicks my arm and finds an open spot.

       "Over here!" I turn and look at Abbie. "We saved you a seat."

       Theodore and I pull out two chairs beside Fred and Abbie. There's already butterbeer waiting so I claim one as mine then take a sip.

         "Did Malfoy find you?" Abbie whispers in my ear.

       I set my cup down slowly. "I don't know what you mean?"

       She sighs then turns back to Fred. He's in a deep conversation with his brothers but still gives her attention which I adore.

          I watch each couple carefully. Ron is playing with Alyssa's fingers while she complains about classes. Harry watches Luna take small sips out of her butterbeer almost as if there's more to it. Cedric and Paige don't really talk much, but his arm is always on her waist.

       After being completely lost in thought for quite some time I snap back to reality when I notice my glass is empty.

                           "Want me to order you another?"

         I turn to Theodore, who I've been ignoring the entire time. I shake my head and push the empty cup to the middle of the table with the rest.

        Lisa taps her hand. "Are you going to the game Friday?"

                        "I don't see why not." I smile.

       Paige joins the conversation. "You'll get to see Lisa and I kick your house's butt!"

                 "Do I not exist?" Cedric pouts.

       Paige kisses him on the cheek and he cracks a smile.

      "Draco plays Quidditch, you know." Abbie gets my attention again.

      Theodore also looks her way. "More importantly, I'm playing Friday as well."

       Abbie rolls her eyes and looks back at me. I nod my head letting her know I'm aware. Her mouth opens to speak again but Fred runs his hand through her hair and she gets distracted.

         "If you promise to come, I'll let you wear my jersey." Theodore tells me.

       I take a moment to reply, only because I'm not sure how my father will feel seeing me wear a boy's shirt. He'll be grateful it's not Draco's, but still not the happiest.

                    But fuck it.

     "You'll see me there." I smile.


       Time goes by quickly and eventually it's time to head back to the school. Theodore disappears on the train to find his friends and I'm left alone.

       "What are you doing in here by yourself?" I look up and see Luna standing with Harry.

      I shrug my shoulders. "I think Theo needed to talk to some boys about the game."

      Luna nods while taking a seat with Harry.

            "Do you like him?" Harry asks me.

                        "Yeah, he's nice."

       Luna rolls her eyes. "Nice, that's lame."

        "Why does everyone keep saying that?!" I shout.

        Harry puts his arm around Luna and pulls her close. "There's nothing wrong with nice, Alexis. I'm just glad you didn't go for Malfoy."

       Luna makes eye contact with me. I drop my head into the palm of my hand and sigh.

                  "What did I say?" Harry chuckles.

         Luna replies for me. "Don't worry about it, Harry."

         The train stops at Hogwarts and everyone gets off. I look around for Theodore and when I spot him I see him with a group of girls. I should be jealous, but I'm not. And I think that answers a lot of my questions.

           The second I enter the school my father stops me.

                      "Where have you been?"

       I groan dramatically. "I just went out with some friends."

                He raises his eyebrow. "What friends?"

               "Not Malfoy, for your information."

       His shoulders relax. I turn around and start heading towards the dorms but his hand grabs my coat hood and pulls me backward.

              "Did you finish your work for my class?"

            "Of course I did," I sigh. "Can I go now?"

        My dad pulls me in for a hug and holds me tightly. It's not until this moment that I realize how badly I need his comfort.

           "Now off to bed." He says in a serious tone.

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