Chapter 42

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Alexis' POV

     It's taken me weeks to try and understand what went on in the hallway that night with Draco. At first I thought it was just a bad day, that things would go back to normal in the morning.

       But as more time goes on I've started to realize that it wasn't some mood swing; Draco and I are separated.

                        "Do you have plans for Christmas?"

        I look up at my father who is still focused on his book. Thankfully, he's gotten permission to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays with me. We would go back home but it seems quite pointless when it's not that long of a break.

                          "These are my plans." I say in a serious tone.

       He stares at me with no expression and I can't help but laugh out loud. Everyone is going to be gone by the end of the day so it's not like there's actually going to be anything to do.

       "What about Paige?" My father asks. "Didn't you two spend some time together last year?"

      The image of Crabbe and Goyle's dorm room flooded passes through my mind and I smile. That was one of the first times I had seen Draco acting his age.

       I get up from my seat and head towards the exit of my father's office. "I suppose I can go find her, since you want to get rid of me so badly-"

           "I don't want to get rid of you," He stops me. "I just hate seeing you this way."

                              "What way?" I tilt my head.

       I try to act confused but know what he's referring to. Not only are most of the girls still upset about what happened at The Three Broomsticks, but Draco and I haven't even made eye contact since that night.

       The only reason I'm still sane is because it keeps my father afloat. But no matter how well I pretend he still knows.

       I wait for him to speak again but he just stares at me, lost in thought. Slowly, I turn to the door and start to exit.

               "Tell Paige I said hello." He says before I shut the door.

        The stairs begin to move and once at the bottom I hop off and head in the direction of the great hall. I hope to see Paige when I enter but instead sits Alyssa with a few other Hufflepuff girls.

        When my hand raises to grab her attention she quickly turns my way. She smiles for a second but then sees it's me and it slowly fades.

                 "Hi Lyssa." I say before taking a seat beside her.

         The other girls get up instantly and disappear into the hall. I glance at the table and see Alyssa's trunk is piled up to the top with clothes and tiny gift boxes.

                     "Are you going to the burrow again this year?"

          "The burrow's gone, remember?" She responds quietly. "But yeah, Molly sent me an owl this morning."

     A guilt fills my insides as I start to imagine the Weasley's house up in flames. Back when it happened I didn't think much of it and that makes me feel even worse.

        "I know you hate me right now but I just wanted to ask if you've seen Paige?"

       Alyssa closes the top of her trunk and snaps the buckles in place, then sighs deeply.

       "I don't hate you, Lex. I know none of this is your fault," She rests her hand on mine. "I know we've all been distant and I am sorry for that, it's just been hard."

       I nod, trying to act like I understand. It's been hard for everyone and I will never blame them for deciding to separate themselves from me. But at the same time deep down it does feel personal, like they do think it's my fault.

       Alyssa stands up and pulls her trunk off the table. "Someone told me Paige went home for the holidays. I haven't seen her all day so I assume she's left."

              Before I can ask any more questions she leaves the table.

       Although I feel the eyes of multiple Hufflepuff students on me I can't get up just yet.

     Why would Paige go home for Christmas? Is there more to her family that I don't know about, or is someone lying?

                  "You're in my spot."

      I snap back to reality and see the same group of Hufflepuff girls from before have returned.

                  "Sorry." I mumble while getting up.

        They all laugh to themselves as I walk away. Normally, it would take everything in me to not say something but I don't care as much now.

        The second I am in the hallway it goes silent. The only thing I can hear is the subtle voices coming from behind me.

       Just as I turn left I spot two figures heading my way. I narrow my eyes trying to get a better view but hear their voices becoming more clear and stop.

                Draco and my dad.

        I try to make out each word but fail to do so. When they are close enough for me to understand they see me and go quiet.

             Immediately, my eyes meet with Draco's.

             "Alexis, did you find Paige?" My father asks.

        I shake my head and continue to stare at Draco, who is staring right back. I can tell he hasn't slept in days, possibly not eaten either.

       He wants to say something to me but there's a barrier surrounding him. I want to believe that I could knock it down but it seems impossible.

        "Well, that's too bad," My father continues. "Maybe we can do something later."

        I turn to my dad and nod with a small smile on my face. When I look back at Draco, he breaks eye contact and rushes out the front door.

              "What was that all about?" I glare at my father.

       He tilts his head at me. "That was a quick change in emotion."

         I roll my eyes and he responds. "Draco is going home for Christmas, Narcissa contacted me this morning and told me to let him know."

          "She contacted you?" I scrunch my eyebrows. "Why?"

       My father looks around the corridor, making sure it's empty. I do the same by habit.

          The words that come out of his mouth fill me with a million different thoughts, each of them leading back to Draco.

                                      "Lucius Malfoy has been killed."

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