Chapter 4

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Draco's POV

      Abbie laughs hysterically as I rush down the hall to the library. I'm not going to go in, I just want to see what everyone is up to.

       The door is wide open so I get a good view of the group. Instantly, I see Weasley and Rodgers snogging at the front table. I gag dramatically but try to see behind them.

       And of course, another Weasley getting way too close to Sweetshire. I don't understand how all of those idiots have girlfriends. I start to walk away until I see two people seated at the back table.

                    Oh Merlin.

     My palm meets with my forehead. Out of all of the boys at Hogwarts, you had to go for him?

          I make my way into the room and before I can even get to the tables everyone looks up. Well, everyone except Alexis and Nott.

              "What do you want, Malfoy?" Ron scoffs.

         I completely ignore Weasley and stare at the two Slytherin students. After what feels like a century, they turn around.

             Theodore eyes widen. "Didn't see you there, Malfoy!"

      I shoot him a glare. Alexis goes back to taking notes in her textbook.

                 "Are you ready for the game Friday?"

            "The real question is are you, Diggory?" I snap back.

       Cedric rolls his eyes and continues conversing with Paige. Eventually, they all go back to their own thing. Almost as if I'm not even standing here.

           "Do you need something, Draco?" Amber asks.

      I can tell she's trying to be kind but I'm still bothered by everyone else's attitude.

                 "Forget it, Rodgers. This is ridiculous."

      "We all were talking about going to get butterbeer later, if you wanted to join-"

     "And why on earth would I do that?" I say loudly, trying to get Alexis' attention.

    Luckily I'm successful and her head raises. "What are you shouting about?"

   I stay quiet. Amber replies, "George and I are going to get butterbeer later and I think Ron and Alyssa are going as well. I was actually going to see if you wanted to come..."

     Alexis sighs and looks over the rest of her school work. I see her mouth open to give a response but Nott interrupts.

              "Maybe we can go together?"

      I feel my hands form fists. As badly as I want to say something I wait patiently for her to answer him. If she seriously says yes to Theodore-

             "That sounds like fun." Alexis agrees.

       My mouth drops open but I quickly pick it back up. I don't even know why I care, the only reason I wanted to get closer to her is because she's related to Snape. I assumed she'd see that we'd make a good team but I guess not.

      Alexis stands up from her chair. "Let me just drop these things off at the room."

        I position my body in the way of the exit hoping it makes it a challenge for her to get past. But instead she makes direct eye contact with me while sliding the front of her body across mine.

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