Chapter 48

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Draco's POV

       I watch as Alexis gets to the bottom of the stairs but jump when my aunt starts to shout.

                    "Draco, make sure she doesn't go anywhere!" Bellatrix snaps.

        I look over at Granger laying on the floor completely defeated and nod. As soon as Bella exits the room I start to think of a plan.

        My mother glances in my direction and we make eye contact. At first I try to make a brave face but then realize she's doing the complete opposite.

         I've never been one to go against the ways of The Dark Lord or cause problems and my mother has always been grateful for it. Growing up I could tell that deep down she wanted to get away from it all but something was holding her back. First it was my father but now I think it's me.

         But finally, after all of these years, I'm tired of holding back. And she can see it.

           Looking at my mother, I see water starting to fill her eyes as slightly smiles.

         "Come, The Dark Lord will be here soon and we can't keep him waiting."

         The snatchers give my mother an irritated look but disappear out of the dining room into the hall. She continues to stare at me for a long moment then nods slightly, causing a single tear to fall.

        I try to think of the right thing to say but before I can she vanishes and I'm left completely alone with Granger.

         I want to give myself a moment to process everything but there's not enough time. Instead, I focus on Alexis down in the cellar with the others and how she's going to help them escape.

       Normally, I'd assume they could all apparate together but Alexis can't leave the manor without making the death eater's suspicious. Plus, I don't think she even knows how to apparate.

                Suddenly, an idea comes to mind.

                "Dobby!" I shout in a whispering tone.

         When he doesn't show up I remember that he's no longer serving us. There's no way he'll hear me now.

                     "Fuck this." I huff under my breath.

        That's when out of thin air, he appears. He falls slightly to the side but quickly catches his balance and looks around the room.


          After staring down at Granger for a moment he looks up at me. "Dobby heard Draco say his name. Dobby knew there was something wrong."

       I tilt my head, confused. "You don't serve us anymore, how did you hear me?"

            "Dobby will always help his friend Draco Malfoy." He smiles up at me.

       A smile forms on the side of my face but I push it away and get serious again.

              "I need you to help the people in the cellar escape." I whisper.

          Dobby's head turns towards the stairs. When he turns back around I see his mouth open to speak, but Bellatrix starts to re-enter the room and he apparates.

Alexis' POV

          The second I open the door to the cellar everyone's eyes turn to me and I feel my stomach drop. Their expressions make my inside's hurt.

                "Of course." Harry scoffs.

       I let out a heavy sigh. "Look, we don't have time to argue right now."

       Ron grabs onto Alyssa. "Well you better not try and take another one of us up there."

       "No, take me up there," Gabriella interrupts. "I'd like to have a little talk with Bella-"

                                "Would you all stop?!"

          Everyone turns and I glance over their shoulders to try and see who's talking. Out of the darkness a figure walks up and joins at my side.


         "She's our friend," She snaps. "Now stop being gits and let her help."

         Still facing her I try to respond but feel speechless. Her clothes are completely covered in dirt and blood, same with her face. Has she been down here this entire time?

                          "I do want to help." I say softly.

       It takes them all a moment to change their expressions but as soon as they do, someone apparates into the room.

          I look down at the small house elf standing in the middle of everyone and try to think if I've ever seen him anywhere.

                            "Dobby?" Harry says.

          That's when it hits me. Gabbie mentioned Draco having a house elf years ago but I didn't think he still served them.

                    "What are you doing here?" Gabriella joins.

           Dobby clasps his hands together nervously. "Dobby will always help his friends."

       That's when he turns to me. "Draco Malfoy told Dobby that you would know what to do."

        I try to contain the feeling inside me as much as possible while thinking of what to do.

                      "Dobby, can you apparate wherever you like?"

                         He chuckles to himself. "Of course, I'm an elf."

            I feel a hand rest on my shoulder and see Gabriella at my side.

         "Hermione is still up there, I can't leave yet." She says while trying to hold back tears.

                        "I'm not leaving either." Harry adds.

           "Alright alright," I huff. I take a second to think then look down at Dobby.

               "Take Paige, Alyssa, Luna, and Ron out of here." I tell him.

       Right as I'm about to say where to take them, Ron shakes his head. "I know a place."

        Ron and I exchange glances and I nod. Just as Dobby starts to grab her hand, Paige stops him.

                       "Are you sure? I don't want to just leave you here-"

       "You've been here long enough," I interrupt her. "I'm so sorry I didn't find you sooner."

          She smiles and finally takes Dobby's hand, then takes Alyssa's in her other. Once they're all connected they disappear.

                       "Now what?" Harry asks me.

       I point at the goblin hunched over in the corner. "You, come with me."

        He looks at me irritated but doesn't argue. Once he's in front of me and heading up the stairs I look back at Harry and Gabbie.

                       "Wait for my cue."

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