Chapter 52

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Draco's POV

           Immediately when I have a hold on my wand I start heading towards all of the commotion in front of me. Even though Alexis isn't grabbing onto me in any way, I can feel her presence close behind me.

         Students from every house and every year are running around chaotically which makes it ten times harder to understand what's going on. I know it's not good but I haven't seen any of the death eaters yet.

                              "Where do we go?"

        It takes me a while to respond to Alexis but luckily she doesn't get impatient. It's clear that no one knows what to do.

                    Finally, I turn around to face her.

            "Do you think Potter would come back here?" I ask.

        She starts to shake her head, but then stops. She says something under her breath that I can't quite understand.

                               "Care to share?" I say sarcastically.

                     "Maybe one of the horcruxes is here."

         I don't remember much from what Paige told us about the horcruxes, but I do remember one thing; they make it easier to kill Voldemort. And right now, that's all I need to know.

         I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. "If there is one in here, where would it be?"

         Alexis' face goes blank and I can tell she has no clue. If Potter is in Hogwarts and is trying to find a horcrux, we could possibly help. But we need to know what we're looking for.

              "I need to find my dad." Alexis tells me. "He might know where it is."

          Although I don't believe Snape has any idea what the horcruxes are, I nod my head and grab her hand.

        "Where do you think he is?" I shout back at her while we push past the other students.

                   "Maybe in his office," She replies. "I don't know Draco... "

          I hear worry in the way she speaks but I don't have time to show her comfort. Instead, I continue rushing forward in the direction of the headmaster's tower.

         Suddenly, I feel another blast hit the school. Parts of the stone wall and ceiling start collapsing all around us. Students and teachers are trying to avoid falling pieces from crushing them but some aren't lucky.

         Still holding Alexis' hand, I race down the long corridor until I find an area of the school that is untouched.

         When we come to a stop I let out a sigh of relief and try to catch my breath. Alexis starts doing the same until I see something catch her eye.

         I take my hands off my thighs and stand up straight, then look down the hallway we just came from. I feel my mouth slightly fall open as I see the amount of dead bodies piling up on the floor.

         And if there is a student that's still alive, it only takes a few seconds for them to join their friends on the ground.

        Alexis turns to me with big eyes. I wait for her mouth to open but it stays closed and I see shock starting to cover her entire body.

      Right as I'm about to pull her into my chest, I look over her shoulder and see a death eater coming our direction. He spots us instantly and his wand starts to raise.

        Without thinking, I push Alexis out of the way and lift my wand in my hand.

                            "Stupefy!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

        The death eater goes flying backwards into the nearest concrete wall, unconscious. When I look at him a second time I recognize his face; Amycus Carrow.

                "Bloody hell!" I hear someone say from behind me.

       I spin around and raise my wand in fear.

                   "Hey hey!" Paige says with her hands raised in defense.

            I lower my wand, irritated. "Since when are you back?"

       Before she can answer me, Alexis rushes up to her and gives her a hug.

                "Thank goodness you're okay!" She says happily.

          Paige giggles. "Same goes for you, I've been looking all over."

       Alexis pulls away from Paige. "Does that mean the others are here too? Like Harry-"

           "Yes, they're all here." Paige interrupts her. "But we don't have a lot of time. I wanted to see if you could help me find something."

                       "You mean a horcrux?" I blurt out.

         Paige nods. "One of them is in Hogwarts. I'm not really sure what it is though..."

          Alexis turns to me. "How about I help Paige look, and you try to find my dad. He may know something that will help."

          I let out a dramatic groan but don't argue. I want to help and I will do everything I can, Snape and I just don't really get along well these days. Every time I do see him I'm scared he's going to accidentally use an unforgivable curse on me.

                         "Alright." I eventually respond with.

         Alexis smiles at me and I can tell that means, thank you. She places a single hand on my shoulder and presses a kiss on my cheek before following Paige down the corridor.

Alexis' POV

                          "So Harry is in the school?"

        Paige nods. "The last time I saw him he was with the others but I think they all split up now."

         "And they're all trying to find this horcrux but don't know what it is or where to find it?"

      Paige laughs to herself but nods once again.

                                      "Lovely." I scoff.

        The entire time I'm following Paige I don't put my wand down. There's either a death eater coming at us or a student struggling to fight one off. Even though it's impossible to help everyone I try with everything in me to do so.

                     None of these kids deserve to die today.

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