Chapter 53

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Alexis' POV

       While following Paige I expect the bombing and fires to eventually stop but they only get worse. Every inch of the school is struggling to stand.

                      "We're almost there!" Paige shouts from ahead.

        She didn't say where we're going but I don't feel like asking questions. There isn't time. If Draco and I can potentially help them stop Voldemort I'm going to do whatever it takes.

        I see Paige turn around once again to say something, but a loud sound from above stops her.

      All of the sudden, a large piece of the ceiling collapses onto the floor in front of me. I raise my hand in front of my face to block the debris, and when I take it down I see that Paige has disappeared.

                                              "Paige?!" I shout.

                 "I'm on the other side!" I hear her say.

       I look at the amount of concrete and stone in front of me and feel myself starting to panic.

                        "Do you see an opening?" She asks.

    I shake my head but then remember she can't see me. "No, but it's okay. I'll find a way around!"

                   "Alright," Paige says nervously. "I'll wait here for you!"

        More loud sounds start to grow behind me and I realize I don't have any more time to chat. If I'm going to get over to her I need to do it quickly.

         So as fast as I can, I start running through the fire and smoke filling up the walls of Hogwarts.

Draco's POV

        It takes me three times longer than usual to get to the headmaster's tower because every hallway has been blocked off by fallen pieces of the ceiling.

      Eventually, I end up on the outside of the school. For some reason I expect there to be less fighting but it's just as bad.

       The difference is when out here I can see the bombs before they hit the school. About a dozen death eaters stand on the nearest hill with their wands pointed in the direction of Hogwarts.

        It hurts me to watch but only because I know if my father was alive today he would be standing over there.

       I push away the thoughts and continue around the outside of the school in hopes of making it back to Snape's office. Thankfully the side of the school I'm on is hard to see from where the death eaters stand, so I don't have to worry about them trying to stop me in any way.

           But something else gets in my way when I reach the school's garden.

       I hear voices coming from ahead and try to get as close as possible without being seen. Just as I approach the entry to the garden I'm forced to duck down when one of the figure's turns my way.

       I manage to hide my entire body behind one of the bushes before either of them see me. A few moments pass by and I try to peek over the leaves to see who is in the garden.

                   "There is no one more powerful than you, My Lord."

        Snape's voice.

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