Chapter 26

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Song of the Chapter : I Found by Amber Run

Draco's POV

       My feet drop onto the floor and instantly I'm overwhelmed by the coldness of the tile beneath me. The day went by quickly considering it's already starting to get dark out. I have a feeling Bellatrix and the others are already waiting for me on the other side so I need to be quick.

       I put on my black suit that Alexis left sitting neatly on a chair beside the bed and exit the hospital wing. Although it's evening and classes are over there's hardly anyone in the halls. I guess that just makes everything easier.

        When I find the nearest staircase I race up to the seventh floor. My legs feel like jello and I don't know if it's from laying down for so long or because of what I'm about to do.

       The door to the Room of Requirement opens for me and just like always I spot the vanishing cabinet standing tall. As soon I pull the sheet off I notice the handles start to move on their own. My feet move backward in fear and slowly, the cabinet opens.

Alexis' POV

      Quickly after Luna mentioned Harry putting the textbook in the Room of Requirement I took a trip there. It's now gone dark outside and I'm still searching for the damn thing.

                                   Bloody hell, Potter.

      I have a feeling he wanted to be the one to hide it so he can come back and get it whenever he wants. Honestly, if it wasn't for that I would have given up looking hours ago.

      It doesn't help that everything in here is stacked on each other. Every time I try to grab something, another thing falls over. Honestly, who organized this place?

      After searching the entire front area I decide to head towards the back. I've never been this far into the Room of Requirement and it's not much better. I go through each box and look under every item but still, nothing.

      While looking through a pile of junk on an old table I come across a small wooden box that actually looks quite valuable. Curious, I look inside and see a beautiful silver tiara with a large blue diamond in the middle. It almost looks familiar, like I've read about it in a book or something.

    I start to pick it up but snap myself back to reality and realize that I came here to look for a textbook, not treasure. Quickly, I go back to my search.

       In my peripheral vision I notice a tall bookshelf sitting alone. There's not way Harry would be stupid enough to put it there but I check it out anyway. When I approach the shelf I scan the books, checking to see if there's anything interesting but most of them I've read. My fingers trace each spine slowly and I'm completely shocked when I read,

                            Advanced Potion Making

                           You're an idiot, Potter.

       Without hesitating, I grab the book and flip to the back cover to make sure the signature is there. I let out a sigh of relief after seeing my father's handwriting.

      The second I close the book, I hear movement coming from the front of the room. My body freezes and I try to listen but it's too far away to tell. Trying to be as silent as possible, I get closer. I lean up against a tall item and glancing upward I realize that it's the vanishing cabinet.

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