Chapter 38

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Draco's POV

                        "I didn't know you like writing so much."

       Alexis chuckles while nodding her head in the direction of my journal.

                                      "I don't."

       She casually leans over, trying to see the pages but I slam it shut.

                    She sighs. "Well then what are you doing in there?"

        I stare at her for a long moment, revisiting some of the things I've written in my head.

                                      "Come on, we've got class."

       Alexis' expression goes sour but as soon as I kiss her on the forehead she smiles again.

         Ever since the dance things between her and I have been different, but not in a bad way. It's actually been really nice. For a long time our entire relationship was surrounded around The Dark Lord. Lately, we haven't heard much about him from anyone; Harry's not at Hogwarts and Snape has been distant.

                          For once, I'm enjoying life.

         "Don't forget your textbook." Alexis mutters while grabbing her things off my bed.

         I open my arms and she throws the book to me, then we both exit my room and head up the stairs to the common room.

                              "Lex, come look at this."

      Alexis' hand detaches from mine and she walks over to the sofas where her friends sit.

         "Can you please tell Blaise that my devil costume is better than his?"

         Blaise and Gabriella both hold up their costumes and wait for Alexis to respond. Looks like Zabini found another use for that red suit from the ball.

         "I have to go with Gabbie on this one," Alexis chuckles. "Hers has glitter and I like glitter."

        Blaise throws his jacket and trousers onto the sofa dramatically. "Oh, rubbish. Mine is superior!"

       I roll my eyes and walk over to the group, trying to steal back my girl before an argument starts.

                       "Well what are you two dressing up as then?" Zabini huffs.

        Alexis and I make awkward eye contact with each other. If I'm being completely honest, I had forgotten Halloween is tomorrow.

          Just as I open my mouth to respond I see Alexis doing the same. Our words pile on top of each other, making it impossible for anyone to understand.

                           "We haven't decided yet."

                    "We're not dressing up this year."

           Everyone looks up at us confused. I know Alexis enjoys Halloween but we didn't talk about dressing up. I don't think I've ever actually participated in the holiday. I'm a wizard, why would I want to be anything else?

            "Alrighty," Aubrey chuckles. "Well I'm excited to see what you two come up with."

          Alexis nods, then grabs my hand once again and drags me out of the common room.

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