Chapter 17

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Alexis' POV

     Normally in potions class I sit beside Aubrey but before she could claim her seat Draco slouches down beside me.

             "Aubrey isn't going to be very happy with you." I chuckle.

        He rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah, are you going to the game tonight?"

                  "Of course I'm going, it's Slytherin and Gryffindor."

       Draco nods while opening his textbook. I lean over curious as to what we're learning about today. My father taught potions for many years. He has given me a lot of his knowledge which is the main reason my grade in Slugorn's class is perfect. Maybe it's unfair to the other students but I could care less.

                    "Get out of my seat, Malfoy!"

      I look up at Aubrey standing in front of me. The amount of tension in her eyebrows makes me laugh.

              "No." Draco smiles while getting more comfortable in the chair.

       Aubrey shoots me a glare and I raise my arms in defense. Obviously I want her to sit beside me as well, but I know he won't budge.

             "I promise I'll save you a seat at the game, okay?" I say.

            She relaxes her arms. "Alright, you're lucky I love you."

       I blow Aubrey a kiss playfully and Draco scoffs. I place a small kiss on his cheek also before going back to my reading.

       "Today we are going to be creating Draught of Living Death," Slughorn informs the class. "It can be challenging to make so please use your directions."

       I sit upright in my chair happily. My father has mentioned this potion to me before. The notes in the textbook are ridiculous, I highly doubt anyone will make it properly. Luckily, I know the correct way.

       Draco reads over the directions carefully then grabs the ingredients from the cupboard.

                 "I bet I can make it better than you." He whispers in my ear.

       He picks up three pieces of Valerain Root and drops it into his cauldron. I hide my smile while only placing two in my mix.

       Draco is extremely intelligent, it's something I find very attractive about him. But if he thinks he can beat me at potions he's lost his mind.

        Professor Slughorn stands up. "Time is up! Let's see what you all have created."

       I look around at the other students who all look defeated, including Draco. He crosses his arms aggressively while staring into my cauldron.

        "How can yours be right?" He snaps. "You didn't even read the directions correctly."

     I shrug my shoulders while trying to hide my smile. Slughorn approaches our table and as soon as he sees my potion he's thrilled.

       "I'm impressed, Miss Snape! You and your father are both very talented."

                          "Thank you, sir."

      He continues walking around the room searching for another successful potion. Once he gets to Harry's table his eyes grow big once again.

          "Another perfect Living Death! Brilliant work, Mr. Potter."

      I stretch my neck trying to see over the other students. Harry looks my way and gives me a subtle smirk.

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