Chapter 27

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Alexis' POV

        At first, there was an aggressive amount of death eaters in Hogwarts. But while trying to escape only a few got out. Bellatrix, two unknown death eaters, and luckily Draco and my father.

       The lack of light in the sky makes it nearly impossible to keep up with them. Their black clothing blends too well with the trees.

       But even through all of the dark I can still see the platinum blonde hair at the front. I want him to turn around and see that I'm here but he's too focused on where he's walking.

        My father also, has not yet realized that I am following. If he did know I can't imagine how enraged he'd be. At this moment though, I don't care.

      Eventually after running for what feels like a century, they all stop. I hide behind the nearest tree and wait to see what their next move is.

               "Think of something, Bellatrix!" One of the death eaters snaps.

            She shoots him a glare, then turns towards my father.

       I can see the fear slowly overtaking him as he tries to find a place to go.

                    "Grab onto me." He tells everyone.

      Draco looks up at my father with watery eyes but doesn't hesitate to grab a hold of his arm.

      Suddenly, I realize what they're planning on doing. Just as Bellatrix starts to place her hand on one of the death eater's shoulders, I make myself visible and latch onto Draco.

     My body twists and stretches along with the others and even though it's hard to see, I swear my father is staring at me.

     Finally, we arrive at the destination. I slightly fall backwards while trying to catch my footing. My clothes are all tangled together so I begin pulling them apart until I realize that everyone is staring at me.

     In an instant, I feel Bellatrix's body press up against mine and her wand stabbing at my throat. Without thinking I pull out my wand as well and press it into her stomach.

        "Cut it out, Bella." My father growls at her.

     Still with wide eyes she backs away from me.

          "And who is this?!" She turns to my father.

     I try to avoid eye contact with him but I can feel his stares burning through my skin.

         Trying to keep himself together he replies. "This is my daughter, Alexis."

      I open my mouth to explain myself but he's already exiting the room.

           "Dad, wait!"

     Draco attempts to pull me towards him but I chase after my father.

      The place we apparated to doesn't look familiar at all so I struggle to follow my dad through the large hallways. He completely disappears from my view so after making my way to the second floor, I stop.

      And then I hear subtle cries coming from a room down the hall. Quietly, I peek around the corner to see my father sitting on the bed holding a piece of paper in his hands.


     He rubs his eyes trying to hide his sadness.

         "I told you not to get involved, Alexis." He snaps. "How dare you come here."

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