Chapter 35

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Alexis' POV

       For the past few months I haven't really felt like myself. At first, it wasn't that terrible, things were just changing. But now every day waking up is such a challenge.

       My father rarely talks to me and I don't know if it's because he's busy being headmaster or he is still upset with me. Or he knows things that are going on with The Dark Lord that he doesn't want Draco and I knowing.

     The only reason it's easier to get out of bed today is because it's the fall ball. And honestly, I wasn't even that excited for it until the night Draco left me the package.

                   "Well come on, let me see it!" Gabriella giggles.

     I try to hide my smile as I pull the dress from the box and raise it up to my body.

                  "Holy hell! Draco has taste!" Aubrey shouts from her bed.

      I wait to hear another voice but the room goes quiet. The three of us turn to Luna who is curled up in a ball next to the fireplace.

             "Can I see your dress, Luna?" I ask while walking towards her.

            Still in her head, she points to her wardrobe. "It's in there."

        I turn back to Aubrey and Gabriella, confused. They both shrug their shoulders.

       After taking a second to think I remember that Luna had mentioned not having a date for the dance. I had just assumed that Harry and the others would come back for the night but honestly, it's so dangerous for them here.

                        Well, if they're seen.

       "Hey, can you guys come with me to get my shoes from Paige's dorm?"

        Gabriella and Aubrey both groan dramatically but I shoot them both glares and they agree. When we get into the hallway I pull them aside.

          "Do you have any idea where Hermione and the others are?" I ask Gabriella.

                She looks down at the floor and shakes her head.

       I run my hand through my hair and sigh. "Alright, well do you know if the twins know anything?"

            I wait for Gabbie to reply but instead, I see Aubrey's mouth open.

         "Abbie told me that Fred had gotten a letter from Ron but I don't know if that'll help."

                      "Are Fred and George coming back for the dance?" I ask.

          Aubrey nods and instantly I grab both of the girl's hands and drag them out of the Slytherin common room.

Draco's POV

        "So if the theme is red and blue, does that mean we can't wear black suits?"

                   Zabini rolls his eyes. "Yes, you twat."

        Great. I spent all Wednesday evening finding Alexis a dress but didn't even think about finding something for myself. The only color or suit I actually own is black.

                 "Just go buy one, you've got time and loads of money." Nott laughs.

        I try to think of anything else I can do but eventually give up. I grab my jacket and exit the common room doors.

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