Chapter 43

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Song of the Chapter: Train Wreck by James Arthur

Alexis' POV

                                        "Lucius Malfoy has been killed."

      My first instinct is to laugh but only because I think he's joking. But when his face doesn't change from the serious expression I feel my heart drop. It drops hard and fast leaving me with an aching pain.

           "H-he's dead?" I stutter. "What do you mean he's been kill-"

                     "Quiet," He snaps. "Come with me."

        My father turns around dramatically and starts towards his office and I follow. I try to answer the question over and over in my head but none of them add up.

                   Maybe he was sick?

                   A spell went wrong?

                  Made The Dark Lord angry?

       As we enter his office and I shut the door behind me, my father lets out a defeated sigh.

           "I don't think there was much reasoning behind it, I suppose wrong place wrong time."

                          "Wrong place wrong time?!" I raise my voice.

        My father shoots me a filthy look and I immediately regret shouting. The longer I think about it I guess it makes sense.

        I've seen The Dark Lord lash out on his followers more than once. Sometimes it was because of something they said and other times it was simply just because he wasn't in a good mood.

                      "Does Draco know?" I ask softly.

          "No, well not yet." My father informs me. "Although he might be hearing about it right now."

       The lump in my throat grows bigger and I feel like I'm going to choke. I know Draco and Lucius never got along, Draco actually hated his father from what he told me. But that doesn't mean he's going to take the news any better.

                     "Did you say you couldn't find Paige?"

        I look up from the wooden floor and shake my head. "I guess she went home."

                       "Home?" His eyebrows scrunch.

          I try to remember if I had ever mentioned who her real family is to him but he changes the subject quickly.

                          "Well, it's late. Off to bed, yes?"

            I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. "Getting rid of me again, I see how it is."

        We both say goodnight and once again I leave his office. I start towards the Slytherin common room but end up taking a wrong turn.

Draco's POV

         Right when Snape had told me I should go home for the holidays I knew things weren't right. My mum usually sends an owl saying I'm always welcome but I didn't get one this year.

         I am somewhat glad to be getting away from Hogwarts; I thought Alexis and her dad were going home for Christmas and I wouldn't have to see her roaming the halls but they decided to stay back.

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