Chapter 60

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Song of the Chapter: My Blood by Ellie Goulding

Alexis' POV

       My feet start running faster and faster the longer I look at Draco. It hasn't been that long since I've seen him but it feels like months.

         I get only inches away from him, but then something stops me.

       Someone from behind throws a spell my way and I don't fully hear it. All I see is Draco's eyes getting big in fear, and then I feel myself hit the ground.

                The amount of times I've done that today is ridiculous.

                    "Avada Kedavra!" Draco shouts at the death eater.

        Luckily, the spell they used didn't do much to me so I get back up fine. I try to thank Draco but he's already caught up in more fighting like everyone else.

              I want to hug him still but now's not the time.

        All around me students are fighting off death eaters. I scan the courtyard for Voldemort and Harry but they're nowhere to be seen, which worries me.

         But I do my part and start fighting off as many of the enemies as possible. Every once in a while I'll catch one of the girl's completely destroying a death eater and I can't help but smile.

                         We're going to win this.

        Most of the death eaters are all the same size, about six feet tall and decently built. That was scary at first, but we've all gotten used to it.

        But then I see someone larger than all of the others coming right at me.

       I take a deep breath and grip the wand tightly. He raises his and I do the same. Every curse he throws at me I manage to block.

       He's not like the others, they normally use spells to knock someone out. But he's not wanting to just hurt me, he wants to kill.

        My heart rate raises drastically when he continues to throw that awful curse at me. Every chance I get to throw one back, he uses it to throw another.

         I start panicking and trying to find another solution, but then someone wounds him from behind.

         He screams in pain and I try to see who is hurting him. When I look over his shoulder I see long, white fur and large teeth digging into his back.

               Focusing more on it I realize what it is; A dog.

       I use this opportunity to throw a spell at the death eater and he falls onto the ground. The dog pulls its teeth out of his skin and looks at me happily.

          For some reason when I look into the dog's eyes I recognize them.

        The second I open my mouth to speak to the animal, I hear the unforgivable curse being used again.

                      "Avada Kedavra!"

         The death eater's wand points directly at the dog and hits it spot on. The bright flash of green blinds me for a long second but when I open my eyes, I see the dog laying on the floor, lifeless.

                I feel my heart stop as the dog transforms from an animal, to a human.


        A pain builds in my heart that stings. It grows so much that my heart falls into my stomach and gets stuck in my gut.

       Without another thought, I scream the unforgivable curse back at the death eater.

          He falls to the ground and doesn't get back up. Even though he doesn't I still want more than anything to keep throwing the curse at him so he can die over and over again.

                    "Paige?" Someone says.

         I turn around and see Lisa standing over her body in shock. She falls onto the ground beside her and runs her hand through Paige's hair.

          The fighting around us hasn't stopped but no one seems to interfere. Even if they did, the amount of anger in my bones could kill anyone with one snap.

             As I stare down at Paige I feel my eyes starting to fill with water but I don't let them fall. If anyone has taught me to stay strong, it's her.

                          And we all need to do that.

          I reach a hand out to Lisa and she looks up, defeated. I don't say anything, I just let her wipe her eyes and conceal the feelings.

          Once she's done so she takes my hand and stands up beside me. When I scan the courtyard I see the rest of the girl's staring down at Paige's body terrified.

           If I look around anymore, I know I'll see the bodies of other people I care about. I'm not sure how many more I can take.

          I look over at Draco and wait for him to see me, but he's too focused on something in the sky.

          Eventually, everyone is staring up. A large ball of black smoke flies through the air and lands in the center of the courtyard right next to us.

            When the smoke fades I see Harry and Voldemort face to face.

        It doesn't take long for Harry to disarm Voldemort. He takes the elder wand from his grasp and instantly uses it against him.

            I hold my breath and watch as Harry throws the curse at The Dark Lord.

        This time, nothing is getting in the way. The death eaters are all wounded, the horcruxes are gone.

                   Harry is going to kill him.

           The curse hits Voldemort right in the chest. He freezes for a second, and makes eye contact with each one of us as he slowly turns to ash.

           Once the last piece of him is gone, everyone starts hollering. Harry turns back to all of the students and smiles, almost as if he didn't think he was actually going to do it.

           I see his eyes travel to me for a second. He doesn't say anything, he just nods his head, then runs past me and hugs Luna.

                  Alyssa jumps on Ron excitedly and he laughs.

       Aubrey races up to Neville from across the yard and says something that makes him blush.

                       Abbie grabs Fred's face and places a big kiss on his lips.

        Gabbie and Hermione take a seat on the concrete and lay in each other's arms.

           Lisa brushes off the excess fur from Remus's clothes and he plays with her hair.

        I watch each of them closely. They all look completely exhausted as they hold one another.

        And that's when I feel hands wrap around my waist and spin me around. I look up at Draco staring down at me and feel so many words come to my head.

                There are so many things I want to say.

            Instead, he grabs both sides of my face and presses our lips together passionately. Every pain in my body slowly disappears.

         As he pulls away, he moves my hair behind my ear and smiles.

                                    "I love you."

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