Chapter 54

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Song of the Chapter: Medicine by Daughter

Alexis' POV

       When I can't find a way through the school I decide to head outside and go around. After running for a while I stop to take a breath, and turn around to face Hogwarts.

       Every inch of the school is in flames. I get a nauseous feeling in my stomach thinking about everyone I love and care about being trapped inside.

       Without another thought, I continue towards the side of the school. While running I start to notice footprints in the mud underneath me and start to hold my wand tightly. It's pretty quiet on this side of the school but that doesn't mean there's no one near.

      The footprints lead into the garden but luckily I can find a way around. I'd like to avoid as many threats as possible, who knows how long Paige is going to wait for me.

      I move to the left side of the garden and start walking around but I notice something blocking the way up ahead. Large boulders that have fallen off the side of the school cover the way, making it impossible for me to pass.

                                 "Fuck." I huff under my breath.

      After being irritated for a hot minute I turn back around and stand in front of the entrance of the garden. I make sure to have my wand ready before going inside in case someone decides to jump out.

                      I take a deep breath in, then enter.

        Slowly, I make my way through the garden without seeing or hearing anyone. I start to feel the tension in my body release, but then I see blood.

        At first, I can't put a face to the person laying on the side of the table. The damage that has been done to them is brutal and I feel myself trying not to look away.

        But when I take one step closer, I see their face.

                    "Dad?" I choke on my words.

      A slight chuckle slips from my mouth but only because I refuse to believe it's actually him.

        Why would he be in the garden? He hates the garden, the flowers make his nose itch.

      Thoughts enter my mind and exit them faster than they ever have before, causing more confusion by the second.

         When I reach his body I collapse down onto the dirt next to him.

             "D-dad?" I nudge his shoulder with my hand. "Dad what happened?"

      Even though it's clear he's gone there's still a part of me that expects an answer. Some sort of explanation for how this happened and who did it. Him saying,

                        I'm okay, dear. Now help me up.

      But the entire garden is silent.

        I place my hands on his face and brush his hair from his forehead. Tears fill my eyes and I feel myself starting to go blind. It makes me feel at ease because for a second I'm not looking at his lifeless body and I see us in our home in Cokeworth when I was fourteen.


                    "Alexis, I told you to stay out of there!"

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