Chapter 34

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Alexis' POV

      I've never really been a fan of transfiguration class. The only reason I'm still taking it is because for a while, McGonagall and I were really close. I didn't really think about how things would change after what my father did but it's definitely not the same.

                "So like, this stuff must really interest you..."

       Paige raises an eyebrow.

               "Because of your dad and all." I say quietly.

             She laughs to herself. "Oh yes, it does."

       I lean over and scan the dozens of notes taken on the pages of her textbook.

                     "Isn't the process sort of insane?"

         Paige shrugs her shoulders. "Some would say that. It took my father up until year five to actually complete it."

         Like I said, I'm not a fan of transfiguration. But now that Paige has opened up to me about it I want to understand more.

        I stare down at the table, trying to act casual. "Are you planning on becoming one?"

         Paige thinks for quite some time. I can't tell if that means she doesn't want to or is planning on it and doesn't want me knowing.

             "Alright class," I jump slightly at the sound of McGonagall shouting from the back of the room.

                         "Get your books open!"

         While flipping to the correct page I wait patiently for an answer. Just as Paige opens her mouth to speak, McGonagall starts class.


          As soon as Paige and I exit McGonagall's room we head to the great hall in hopes of finding some of the others. I scan the large room for a moment, then spot Anna, Amber, and Alyssa at the Ravenclaw table.

            "Does that mean they found one?" I hear Amber say quietly.

        Alyssa nods, then looks up and gives me a worried look.

              "Is everything alright?" I ask while sliding onto the bench.

         The three girls glance at each other.

           After waiting way too long for a reply, I huff aggressively.

                  "Okay then, be that way."

       Paige shoots Alyssa a glare. "There's no need to be secretive. Now, what are we discussing?"

         I'm shocked by her attitude, but only because it's not like her. Honestly, I wish she would be like this more often.

       Anna sighs. "We didn't mean to be that way, just with her and Draco know-"

       "Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" I shout. The girls all jump at the change of volume.

            I close my eyes trying to calm myself down. "Look, I'm sorry. You're right, you shouldn't tell me things."

         Amber rests her hand on mine. "We know it's not your choice, Lex. This whole situation is rubbish if you ask me."

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