Chapter 44

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Song of the Chapter: O Children by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

Alexis' POV

        Eventually I manage to get Draco to come with me back to the common room. As soon as we get inside I check to make sure no one is around, then grab a few blankets from the couch and lay them out evenly on the floor in front of the fireplace.

         Over my shoulder I see Draco watching my every move. When I turn towards him he hesitates but joins me on the ground.

         He pulls his knees to his chest and stares at the fire.

          "He never got to redeem himself." He says quietly.

      I glance over and Draco who is still staring straight ahead.

                 "Now all I'm going to remember him as is a coward."

       Draco never talked about his father much with me; or with anyone really. But when he brought him up it was always like he was keeping certain parts out in hopes of forgetting them.

        All Draco ever wanted was for his dad to be a good person. I think part of the reason why is it would've given him hope that he could change as well. Now that he'll never get to see that it took away the faith he had in himself.

        As we sit there by the fire I continue to piece together why Draco was so quick to get up onto that railing. In reality, it wasn't a quick decision at all; The thought that he could never change has always haunted him.

       I try to think of something meaningful to say but I know that nothing will make him feel better. Even if I were to speak right now, it's clear that he's completely lost in his thoughts.

      After sitting next to him silently for quite some time my eyes start to wander around the room and I notice the Wireless radio sitting in the middle of one of the tables.

       Carefully, I get up from the floor and make my way to the table. Looking back I see that Draco hasn't noticed I've gotten up.

      My finger presses down on the power button and when I don't hear anything at first, I turn the volume up slowly. Soft music starts to fill the walls of the room.

      When I walk back towards Draco I end up standing over him for a long moment before he realizes I'm there. His big blue eyes look up at me confused, so I hold out my hand.

                             "What?" He mutters in a rude tone.

       I roll my eyes and wait for him to take my hand. Eventually, he gives in and grabs onto me. He scoffs dramatically but I ignore it and bring him to the middle of the room.

       We stop in the center and still holding his hand, I place it on my waist along with his other. He tries to act careless but I feel him tightly grab onto me.

            I clasp my hands around his neck and start swaying back and forth.

                           "You're ridiculous." Draco sighs.

         He tries to insult me but I see a small smile forming on his lips the longer we dance together. For a split second I swear I see him singing along to the music.

        By the time the chorus plays he's letting out small chuckles under his breath. He uses his left hand to spin me around three times in a row, causing me to lose balance. This makes him laugh out loud.

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