Chapter 59

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Alexis' POV

      For a moment I have no idea where I am or what's going on. I keep my eyes shut in fear of seeing something I regret but when The Dark Lord starts speaking, I can't help but look.

        Instantly, I see dozens of Hogwarts students standing in front of me. When I look closer I notice the girls in the crowd, and Abbie is staring right at me.

        Then I spot the large piece of glass on the ground. I try to think of a plan quickly. The death eaters are close enough to me that if I successfully grabbed the glass I could wound one of them and get their wand.

                   It sounds risky but I have nothing else.

        I slowly start to reach my hand out to the shard of glass but just as my fingertips touch the top of it, I feel an aggressive amount of pain rush through my body.

              I try to hold in my screams but they get out anyway.

                   "Stop it!" I hear from ahead.

        I pray that it's not who I think, but it is. I see Abbie rushing up to me and raising her wand. The spell she tries to throw at Bellatrix backfires and she ends up on the ground with me.

         "Abbie!" Fred shouts while joining at her side. "You fucking git, I swear to-"

       When I see the death eaters fist go into Fred's gut I have to look away. The pain from the curse fades but now my mind feels like it's on fire.

            So many people are getting hurt and I can't do anything.

               "I just need to know one thing," The Dark Lord says to the students.

       The entire courtyard goes silent.

                            "Where is Draco Malfoy?"

       I see the confusion fill everyone's faces. I still don't know why he wants Draco so badly now either. For years it's always been about Harry and killing him.

        Is that not what he wants anymore? Or did Draco do something that's getting in the way?

                 "How should we know where he is?" Ron snaps.

      The Dark Lord ignores Ron's question and waits for someone to step forward.

       The death eaters circle around and I notice one of them has placed their wand in their back pocket. I try to push away anymore pathetic ideas but this sticks hard.

       Abbie and Fred both still have their wands, they're just keeping them down in case Bellatrix tries to to take them. If we all three had wands then it would be much easier to get away from the death eaters.

        I look over at Abbie, who is coming back to reality now, and point my eyes in the direction of the wand. Fred notices it too and they both start to plot without saying anything.

          "I'm getting impatient." The Dark Lord sighs.

      Just as he says that, Fred and Abbie both raise their wands at the death eaters.

                 "Stupefy!" They both shout.

       I think fast and grab the wand from the pocket before they both go flying backwards. Bellatrix raises her wand at Fred and Abbie but I say the spell just in time.

             "Sectumsempra!" I say as loudly as possible.

       I watch as Bellatrix's eyes get huge and she gets thrown down to the ground. Blood spills from her body and everyone watches in shock, including Voldemort.

         Fred helps Abbie up and they both rush back to the side of the courtyard. It takes me a second to stand but I start to believe that I'm going to get out of this alright.

       But just like always, The Dark Lord finds a way. I feel the same intense pain fill my bones and I fall down onto my knees.

           "If someone doesn't tell me where Draco Malfoy is right now, I'm going to kill her."

        The Dark Lord's words linger in my mind and bring more fear than ever. I've thought about death multiple times, it's hard not to when this is your life.

          But never have I actually thought I would die like this.

                    "Please," Someone says. "Don't do this."

       Luna chokes on the words but still gets them out. For some reason even though I know he won't listen to her, knowing that she cares gives me a sense of peace.

         So when I feel yet another death eater's hands on me I don't freak out like I want to. The cold blade held up to my neck gives me goosebumps but I just imagine they're from a cool summer breeze.

             "Last chance!" He shouts.

        Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, that's supposed to make things less painful.

        When the knife starts to dig into the side of my neck, I bite down on my tongue. But it barely gets into my skin.

         The death eater stops and drops me on the floor. I touch my neck to see if it already happened but it hasn't. 

           And that's when I hear The Dark Lord's screams.

        The courtyard is filled with student's shouting and when I turn around I see why.

           Harry stands directly behind Voldemort with his wand raised. He's put some spell on him but I can't figure out what.

         Even though whatever Harry did puts The Dark Lord in pain, it doesn't stop him permanently and we all know that.

       I watch as Harry digs into his back pocket and pulls out a basilisk fang, then throws it across the courtyard.

       Just as it's about to hit the ground, someone catches it.


       I look back at Voldemort and see his eyes grow big. When I turn back around I see Draco lifting his hand with the fang in the air.

       The snake tries to attack him but she's too late; Draco stabs the fang into her back and she vanishes into thin air.

        Voldemort screams multiply as he grows weaker by the second.

                    "NO!" He shouts.

        I keep my eyes on Draco as he drops the bloody fang on the ground and pulls out his wand.

     Students continue to cheer excitedly because hope is starting to fill them once again.

       I find the death eater's wand on the ground and pick it up, then force myself on my feet to join the others.

         The rest of the death eaters are now charging in our direction and I expect fear, but instead every student looks completely ready to end this war.

                   "Lex!" I hear someone shout.

      I see Draco making eye contact with me and feel a smile creep up on my face. He starts running towards me and I do the same.

       I want to know why he left, where he went. Why he didn't tell me he was leaving and why I couldn't go with him. And eventually, he'll have to explain.

                     But right now, I'm just happy he's alive.

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