Chapter 40

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Draco's POV

                         "What were you saying, Nott?"

           I double check the tie on Alexis' neck, making sure it's straight, then turn towards Theo. My eyebrow raises when he fails to speak.

              "This is pathetic." Theo mumbles under his breath before turning around.

                    Before he can escape I grab his sleeve. "What's pathetic?"

             "You really chose him," Theo glares at Alexis. "He's a bloody death eater Lex! And you picked him over-"

          I feel my hand raise in a fist but right as I'm about to move it forward in the direction of his nose, I see Alexis' knee bash right into his stomach.

         Theo shouts in pain. While still crouching down he tries to curse back at Alexis but she yanks him by his shirt collar up to eye level.

        "Draco doesn't disrespect girls. Maybe instead of talking shit you should take a few pointers."

          By now everyone in The Three Broomsticks is staring our way. If it was me beating on Nott someone would try and stop it, but everyone is too focused on what will happen next to speak.

        He glances at me for a second, then back to Alexis. I expect some snarky comment but instead he just nods his head. Her grip on his shirt weakens enough for him to get away and exit the room.

      Everyone gives a round of applause for Alexis, who is bowing multiple times while laughing. I stare at the smirk on her face for longer than I should but only because it's too perfect to not have my attention.

       Eventually people go back to dancing and she turns back to me, her arms slinging around my neck

                                 "That was so hot." I say to her.

        She tries to hide the redness in her cheeks forming. "Halloween gives me a sort of power, I guess."

        The music switches to Super Freak and the girls go crazy. I feel an excitement rise in my stomach but it quickly falls when Paige grabs Alexis from behind and pulls her to the middle of the room with the rest of her friends. I groan dramatically and Alexis blows me a kiss.

       I would throw a bigger fit but the other guys got thrown to the side too; The twins, Longbottom, and Zabini join me at the nearest table.

                    "At least we get a good show." Zabini rests his feet on my lap.

         I push his legs off immediately and cross my arms. He's not wrong, though. Looking past multiple girls I see Alexis jumping up and down, swinging her hair back and forth.

         As I continue to stare I notice her lips moving in sync with the music as she makes eye contact with me. Chills form on the back of my neck as she mouths,

                           "The girl's a super freak."

Alexis' POV

          Draco's eyes follow my every move and I feel confidence grow in me. It starts to get stronger until I see his eyes switch from my body to something behind me.

            Quickly, I turn around to see what he's staring at and that's when I see Harry, Ron and Hermione re-entering The Three Broomsticks. Draco's expression goes sour. He gets up from his seat and storms in my direction.

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