Chapter 9

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Alexis' POV

          "Come on, it's Friday!" Gabriella whines.

      I turn to Aubrey and Luna who are both giving me sad eyes. They're all going to The Three Broomsticks again. I do want to go, it's just hilarious seeing them beg.

         "I'm not sure," I sigh sarcastically. "I need to study for-"

                 "Oh stop it. You're going." Luna snaps.

      I can't help but laugh out loud. Aubrey grabs my jumper from off the floor and throws it my way before exiting the room. Gabriella follows but Luna waits behind for me to finish getting ready.

         "How come you haven't mentioned Malfoy all week?"

      Once my jumper is over my head I turn to Luna.

              "I don't know what you mean?"

     She rolls her eyes dramatically. "You're a bad liar. I know something happened."

      "Nothing happened." I huff. "Besides, I have more important things to focus on."

         Luna walks closer trying to make me nervous.

     "Then I guess Amber was lying when she said you saw him in the Mirror of Erised?"

     My mouth opens but quickly shuts again. Luna chuckles to herself then pushes past me and leaves.

      I'm not sure if Draco knows what I saw. He hasn't said a word to me all week, including our encounter in the common room. My head is still trying to wrap itself around that moment. What was he trying to accomplish?

      I put on my scarf and coat then follow Luna up the stairs. Gabriella and Aubrey are sitting on the sofas beside the fireplace waiting patiently.

           "About time!" Aubrey huffs while hopping up.

     The four of us exit the common room and head for the train station. As soon as we board I find the first empty compartment I see.

      Gabriella turns to look down the aisle. "Why is Malfoy leaving Hogwarts?"

     My head quickly spins in her direction. Luna gives me a playful glare but I ignore it.

     When I look over I see Draco sitting by himself in the corner. I would assume he's going to Malfoy Manor, but when a few minutes pass and the train stops in Hogsmeade, he gets off.

     The girls and I walk to The Three Broomsticks. I see Draco walk inside only a couple of seconds before us. He doesn't really seem like the type to go for butterbeer.

      Just like last time, the group is sitting at the back table. I snag a seat next to Alyssa and Ron.

                  "Glad you all could make it!" Ron says happily.

    I smile and grab a butterbeer from the center of the table. While taking a sip of my drink I get a glimpse of bright white hair over the glass. Subtly, I watch as Draco disappears behind a door.

            "Why is he here?" Harry scoffs.

     It takes me a moment to realize that everyone is waiting for me to answer. I wipe my face and look at them all awkwardly.

            "How should I know?"

     Paige tilts her head and looks at me sympathetically. Although a lot of my friends dislike Draco, they all seem to want us together. Which makes no sense to me.

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