Chapter 36

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Song of the Chapter : Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery 

Song of the Chapter : Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery 

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Lisa's POV

       When Paige asked me to come back for the dance I was honestly thrilled. Although Hogwarts can sometimes be a shit show, I do miss it.

                    "Glad to see that you came back as well."

     I turn and see Fred pouring something into the pumpkin juice. Just like old times.

                    "What are you putting in there this year?" I chuckle.

        Abbie appears behind him with two cups in hand. "As long as it gets me wasted I won't complain."

          She scoops the cups into the juice and once they're full, hands me one. I nod my head thanking her, then take a sip.

                 "You never fail to amaze me, Fred." Abbie smiles.

        Fred wraps his arm around her waist and lays a kiss on her forehead. As cute as they are, all they do is make me miss Remus. At least now him and I can actually spend time together. For a while it was a struggle, considering he was one of my professors my fourth year.

                        "Is Lex coming?" I ask Abbie.

      Still chugging her drink, she looks over my shoulder. Her hand wipes the excess juice from her top lip as she says, "I think her and Draco just arrived."

         I turn to the door and see Paige and Alyssa racing over to Alexis as she enters the great hall. I signal for Fred to hand me an extra cup and he does so.

       As soon as I get to them I push through Paige and Alyssa to make myself known.

                    Alexis' eyes light up. "Lisa!"

        I don't hesitate to hand her the extra drink in my hand. She looks down at the liquid.

                     "How's the pumpkin juice?" Draco scoffs.

        Alexis takes a sip and I watch her scour as she tries to swallow.

                  "It gets stronger every year." She coughs.

        Draco rolls his eyes and takes the cup from her, downing the rest of the liquid inside.

         "What's it like being back at Hogwarts for an evening?" Alexis asks me.

                    I shrug. "It hasn't changed a bit honestly."

          That's when my eyes travel downward to Draco's hand holding Alexis' tightly. They never really had a true label while I went to school here and it was mainly because Draco didn't even act like they were in a relationship. It's nice to see he's coming out of his shell.

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