Chapter 32

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Draco's POV

        Normally, no one pays attention to me. It's always been a struggle getting people's attention, which is funny because I used to try so hard to be the center of the spotlight. But as I grew older and became more involved with The Dark Lord, I realized it's probably best that I'm ignored.

       But the second Alexis and I step foot into the great hall I feel the eyes of dozens of students on us.

                 "I already want to leave." I groan.

         In my peripheral vision, I see Alexis take a deep breath and continue forward through the middle of the room. As badly as I do want to turn around, I know it wouldn't be right of me to leave her alone.

       I follow behind her as she walks towards the Slytherin table and sits down beside a few of her friends. I slide onto the bench beside Zabini and Nott but turn in the direction of the girls.

                      "Hi Luna." Alexis says softly.

       Luna looks up cautiously but relaxes when she sees who it is. A small smile forms on the side of her mouth.

          "It feels like I haven't seen you in months." She replies.

               "Pretty positive it has been months." I scoff.

      The two of them ignore my comment and start their own conversation. They lower their voices which makes me think it's about Potter and his friends.

                        "Attention everyone!"

       The room instantly gets quiet and all heads turn to the front of the room. Although Dumbledore isn't standing there anymore, I swear I heard his voice speak those words. Over the past few months I've tried to get past my guilt from that night and up until now it was almost gone.

        Seeing Snape stand in his place makes the feeling come back all over again.

       "Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts," Snape continues. "As you all know I will be taking over as headmaster this year."

        I look over at Alexis who is staring at her father with a blank face. I can't tell if she's feeling grateful that he is now taking over or ashamed. Sure, it'll make things a lot easier overall but it will also probably get her a lot of shit from other students.

                       "Psst. Alexis!"

         I snap my head around and see Parkinson leaning over the table trying to get Alexis' attention.

        Alexis turns as well, and raises her eyebrows as if she's waiting for Pansy to speak.

              "Is it true your dad killed Dumbldore? Like actually?"

      Pansy is whispering but the entire table is listening in, almost as if they all have been dying to know the answer.

        Alexis rests her chin on the palm of her hand. "Pansy, is it true you gave Blaise herpes?"

         All of the Slytherin students burst into laughter; everyone but Zabini and Parkinson. Alexis narrows her eyes waiting for an answer but Pansy rushes out of the great hall, embarrassed.

                  "Is there a problem, Slytherin?" Snape snaps.

         We all get silent and he continues with his speech.

Alexis' POV

        My schedule is staying the same as last year which is a relief. It's Monday, which means I have Dark Arts with Amber and Draco. Knowing that my father will no longer be teaching the class kind of ruins it, but I'm still excited. Hopefully going to classes will keep me distracted from the more serious things happening.

              "Do you know who the new teacher is?" Amber asks.

            "Amycus Carrow," I respond. "He's a complete twat and I hate him."

      She gives me an odd look, then lets out a chuckle. "I assume your dad works with him?"

                         "Something like that."

         The moment we enter the room everyone turns around, just like last night in the great hall. I've been trying my best to ignore everyone's whispers and glares but if it continues I might go insane.

            "You guys are ridiculous!" Draco hollers from his desk. "Potter leaves and you all immediately look for someone else to obsess over."

       I look over at him and see a smirk on his face. "Now piss off and leave the obsessing to me."

        All of the students in the class get quiet and turn back around awkwardly. Amber nudges my arm playfully and I roll my eyes. Looking over at Draco once again, I watch as he subtly winks before going back to reading.

                "Looks like our seat is open!"

         Amber grabs my hand and pulls my towards the front and for a second I'm taken back to my first day at Hogwarts. Things were so much easier then, I want more than anything to go back for just a day.

         As soon as I get my textbook and quill out, Amycus enters the room and starts teaching.


             "I'm already over this school year." Alyssa whines.

         Abbie jumps up onto the side of the table. "Not me, I'm planning on making it the best one yet!"

              Alyssa and I shoot each other glances.

             "Have you heard anything from Ron?" I ask her.

          She shakes her head and bends the corner of the pages in her book back and forth. "It hardly feels like we're even in a relationship anymore. For all I know he's moved on."

        I rest my hand on top of hers. "Don't think like that, I'm sure he's always got you on his mind."

                  Abbie nods in agreement.

       "Has Fred mentioned anything about where Ron might be?" Alyssa looks over at Abbie.

        "He doesn't really like talking about it, after the incident with George."

          Alyssa slouches down in her chair defeated and Abbie flips around onto her stomach, covering the rest of the table.

              "Stop being sad, remember all of the fun things we did last year!"

    Alyssa keeps ignoring her so Abbie pushes her book off the table aggressively.

                    "Hey!" Alyssa shouts.

               "Quidditch games, parties!" Abbie giggles.

       A hand rests on my shoulder and I look up to Paige standing over me. "Don't forget the fall ball as well."

        Finally, Alyssa's eyes light up. I completely forgot about all of the stuff we did together last year. Looking back, those are the best memories I have.

       Sure, The Dark Lord may be putting a damper on everything. But I can't let him ruin my final moments as a Hogwarts student, right?

        "No wonder Lyssa is so miserable, you guys have been in the library all evening!" Paige sighs.

        As soon as those words come out of her mouth, I pick up my things. "She's right, can we get out of here?"

                  Abbie and Alyssa nod in sync and the four of us exit the library.

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