Chapter 37

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Alexis' POV

        I stop at the door to my dorm room and start to open it but Draco stops me.

                           "I don't share a room, remember?"

         I had forgotten until now. Honestly, we should hang out there more often then. Draco takes the lead and we head further down until finally, he stops at a large door. Once the door is open he looks back at me and grabs my hand.

                        "I probably should've cleaned earlier." He sighs.

          Surprisingly, it's quite organized for a boy's dorm room. But also there's just not much in here. A queen size bed with silk black sheets and a dark green duvet. A single dark wood wardrobe and two matching bedside tables.

       Draco takes a seat on his bed and starts taking off his shoes. I try to undo my dress but can't find the zipper.

                            "Do you not have a mirror?" I ask.

       He looks up at me, then looks around. Almost as if he's forgotten what his room looks like.

                      "Oh, no." He replies. "Do you need help with something?"

           I point to the back of my dress and he signals for me to get closer to him. Once I'm standing in front of him he spins me around and moves his hands to the top of my back. The coldness of his fingertips gives me goosebumps.

           Once my dress is completely unzipped, I turn back around. Still seated on the bed, Draco stares up at me.

                "You have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen." He says softly.

         I try to hide my face behind my hair but he uses his hand to pull it behind my ear. As soon as my eyes meet with his I feel trapped, but in the best way possible.

       Slowly, I let my dress fall to the floor beneath me. Draco uses a single finger to trace every part of my skin.

             When he touches my stomach I grab his finger aggressively.

                           "Are you ticklish?" He taunts.

       A smirk forms on his face but it quickly disappears when I press our lips together. He falls back onto the bed and I go with him. Still kissing him I hold myself up over his body.

              Draco pulls away and again I'm caught in his eyes.

         "I know you've had a few drinks tonight," He starts. "I don't want you to think we have to, you know..."

         I've never been this close with anyone before, especially in this way. Most of the time I've avoided intimacy. But when I'm with Draco I feel okay; it feels right.

        I start to unbutton his top but after undoing a few, he does the rest. My lips gently kiss both sides of his neck and eventually make their way back to his lips.

        When I prop myself up again I take a second longer to admire every detail on his face, and begin to wonder why someone so beautiful wouldn't want a mirror in their room.

Anna's POV

       Going to the dance alone for a second time isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I've never minded being single, I feel more independent this way. Plus, I've got my whole life to worry about boys. Right now, there are more important things to focus on.

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