Chapter 20

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Alexis' POV

       I spot Paige sitting at the Hufflepuff table alone. Still holding onto Draco's hand, I head in her direction. At the same time he begins moving towards the Slytherin table, making us both practically rip each other's arms off.

                    "Where do you think you're going?" Draco scoffs.

              I tilt my head in the direction of Paige.

                 "She can come to the Slytherin table." He states while trying to pull my once again.

                  "What's wrong with the Hufflepuff table?"

           Draco pauses for a moment. "It's not the Slytherin table."

        Before he can argue with me anymore I manage to drag him to the right. Paige looks up from her book happily.

              "I was worried you wouldn't show." She chuckles.

             "Sorry," I sigh. "Someone decided to nap all afternoon."

         Draco shoots me a glare but I ignore it. His arm reaches over my body to grab the mashed potatoes.

          "We should do something tonight." Paige pushes her book to the side.

              I look at Draco who is invested in his meal. "Alright...any ideas?"

          The steam coming off of my tea swirls with my finger movement. The three of us brainstorm quietly and I realize how silent the great hall is. Usually there's always some commotion but with most of the students gone it's like a different place.

            "Let's mess with Crabbe and Goyle." Draco wipes his mouth.

                            "They're here for break?" I ask.

        Draco nods. "I enjoy pulling pranks on them. A few weeks ago I gave them puking pastilles."

             "Alyssa has loads of stuff from the Weasley shop in our dorm," Paige informs us. "I could find something."

           Paige gets up from the table and exits the great hall towards the Hufflepuff common room.

                         "I still don't like this table." Draco huffs.

            I roll my eyes dramatically then steal a bread roll from his plate. By the time we are finished eating, Paige is back with a large bag under her arm.

           "Alright, now this may be a little mental." She says while questioning herself.

       Paige sets the paper bag in the middle of the three of us. I scan the label trying to figure out what is inside.

            "Bloody hell," Draco chokes on his water. "Is that a portable swamp?"

         "I was thinking we could place it in their dorm room." Paige laughs out loud.

        I've seen portable swamps in the twin's shop a few times but I don't know anyone that has used one. It can't be that bad, though. Would Fred and George have it for sale if it was?

           "Well we better hurry, the boys are about done with supper." Draco points out Crabbe and Goyle sitting with some other Slytherin students.

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